just wondering but how’d you get your hands on one?
Found a guy on facebook willing to part with it
Seems to be getting worse.
^Those are the type of responses you’re sending. I’m sure you don’t appreciate it when I send you blunt passive aggressive responses so others don’t either.
It’s just a toy, take it easy you don’t need to get upset over everything
I did not find the statement all that sassy personally but I have a high Sassiness Tolerance™
I also have a high sass tolerance.
I just have a low dumb question or statement tolerance.
You must just loooove me than!!
I have no problem with you whatsoever!
Now you can enter the @EOS44 old school trick contest!
This thought crossed my mind today, actually.
I don’t think I have the time to fill up an entire 2 min slot with new [to me] tricks.
But Ithink I’ll learn a few of them and throw together a vid-ya. Why not
You’re not obligated to fill 2 minutes. Read the rules lol.
LOVE my 650b. And you’re right it is a very welcome deviation to throw 0A after anything else. It’s like a cool-down after a workout.
You and a lot of other folks. That Galaxy colorway sold out, and I’m quite convinced it is because that’s the colorway Nate played at World’s.
Please remind me: does 0A refer to responsive with a bearing as well as fixed axle?
Hmmm… Now that you say it, I’m not sure! Let’s summon @edhaponik the 0A Based God himself.
0a was originally designated as 1-handed looping tricks (as opposed to all of the other a’s) and was the domain of beginners. In the last few years, we’ve kinda reassigned it to refer to any of the modern responsive stuff that’s not quite 1a (sleeping tricks) but still done with a single responsive yoyo.
So yes, fixed axle but also modern responsive stall/loop/regen/stop n go stuff performed on modern tug responsive yoyos.