What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Lovely SM MCMO from the man himself :grin:
and a Tony Edition Good Life Pharaoh as well, on a bed of strings.


lil pink 888


Thank you for your help and advice.
I bought the Hades because I wanted a yo-yo that was a little different.
It runs much smoother than I expected.
What a sense of stability. And the long spin, I can easily do one throw for a minute.
It’s just a little tiring after you finish throwing it, lol, but once you get used to it, I think you’ll be fine.
I think everyone should buy one. If you want to get overwhelming stability and spin time!

P.S. @GTDropKnot Can I be on Team Hades too?


Nice little haul today. Gotta get time on these guys! Cat approves too!


Picked up a GENPOP at Northeast Regionals yesterday.

Great recommendation! I just had my first session with it this morning and I love it. You’re right that it does have a different feel in play than the W1LDERNESS, and it does have a wider catch zone. I’ll be putting a lot of time in on this yoyo, it might become my new favorite. Thanks!


Yoooo!!! Let’s gooo!!! Everyone is welcome on team hades!!! I love that color as well! Good choice! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!


Just landed my mongoose


@Yodaddyo - Just out of curiosity, what Throw-Yo design would you like to see a a Butterfly sticker?


I asked about bulk cotton restock last February. Was told there wasn’t an estimated restock date.
Has there still been no restock since?


No Assassin Final Hits out there yet? Hopefully I’ll have one to post tomorrow :grin:


This box of goodies kept on going back and forth the local warehouse for 2 weeks due to holidays and lack of manpower.
Today, I decided to take action (i.e. drive all the way to the warehouse and fetch it myself)

A couple of MK1 x Spinworthy Harbingers
A couple of Duncan Proflys
A custom Higby painted Proyo
A Big Sun and a Wildwood Mother T that I bought from @TheThrowingGnome
And a whole bunch of cotton strings

Not exactly sure who sent the strings, 'cause the overseas warehouse that I use decided to put everything together in a single box to minimize the weight.

Edit: The cotton strings were from Mr. Higby. :yo-yo:


I’ve had mine for a bit

Finally here!


I have been having a pretty bad day because i had to cancel my solar eclipse plans so i got so happy when this came!


66% 888s came in from Japan. While I don’t play mini yoyos much (I should say not enough) these are a riot. Stainless on the left, coated brass on the right. With hubstacks and string the brass weighs 67.7 like the 2023 888 reissue behind it (on my scale at home). The Stainless weighs almost 70 grams. They are small but incredibly powerful. Crazy fun to do hubstack tricks with these.


Have you found a cracked scales version? vizsilla? :eyes:

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This is the original from 2006, not an RSO which you are taking about. But yeah i have the ti viszilla and a few of the original viszillas as well :blush: actually have another viszilla with some red hearts out for delivery today :grin:


AHHHHH I need to find one myself I really want the scales version so bad


This mailday was extra special,

I ordered a few throws from Dressel Designs last week. Patrick recognized my name from this forum and knew my son, Charlie, has had some major health issues. He shipped an extra light up yoyo for Charlie and refunded my money to put towards him. We decided that donating to the ‘Child Life Program’ at our hospital was the best way to do that. The Child Life specialists were there with Charlie when he was stuck in a hospital bed for 11 days. They laughed with him, played with him, kept his mind occupied and his spirits high. They also helped us parents become more optimistic and coached us through having difficult conversations with other family members, including our daughter. They have been, and will be, there with us at every hospital visit going forward.

Just wanted to give a big thank you to @hobbygod for being so generous (and designing these sweet throws, of course!) And also, wanted to give recognition to the “Child Life Program” at Yale New Haven. They really do a great job and make a big impact on many kids that are dealing with illness.


No words😭
Edit: except that this makes me want to buy a yo-yo from @hobbygod
And look into donating to Child Life Program.