What did you get in the mail, 2024?

When did that Perspective cerakote drop?

No announcements that I could find.

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It dropped last Thursday. Every so often they drop surprises without notice. Some times I’m fortunate and sometimes I’m not.

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Definitely a gorgeous yoyo.

How many of these were made available?

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I wanted a waterproof Kendama to play in the pool with my son and at the beach. :beach_umbrella:

I looked and couldn’t find the Catchy Air available anywhere in Canada, so I decided it was more economical to import 2 dozen from Europe. :joy: I’m going to make these affordably accessible for fellow Canadians. :canada:

Fellow Canucks, get at me if you want one. :blush: If you are elsewhere, you are also welcome to contact me, but they will likely be easier to get for you locally.

I really like it. I think it’s an awesome design and fun/capable for lots of tricks. Excited to try it in the water this weekend.


Out of those yoyos, I only have significant experience with the Sucction. Briefly tried a Motif.

I did not like the Sucction and sold it.
It felt hollow and clunky to me, light yet hit like a rock on the end of the string. I couldn’t get into it.
The weight distribution and feel prevented me from flowing with it.
Based on my experience with the Sucction, I did not expect to like the Chunk.

The Chunk blew me away at Worlds.
Immediately purchased.
Feels nothing like the Sucction, just a light-on-the-string yoyo that shreds.
It feels lightweight but has the spinning power and stability of more competition-oriented designs while maintaining its fun factor.
The Chunk is what I wish the original Dunk felt like. Same goes for the Delrin Dunk (LX). These two are major winners. Nearly everyone I talked to at Worlds had a Chunk on them.


The Chunk is so insane. So light in play but so stable!

I CANNOT wait for the LX. I’m big hyped for it.


Thanks and I agree. I’m not sure how many but they didn’t sell out that fast.

Thanks, this is what I was hoping for :slight_smile:


Here’s my late to the party Worlds haul pic. I bought a Jugemu, a Chunk, and a Canopy.


Nice stuff and the color combination of the Chunk is gorgeous


I’m really loving the new Jugemu. The first one didn’t click for me for whatever reason but I love the 2024 version


I think I bought the O.G. version, if I’m not mistaken. I really like it, it has an unusual feel in play compared to my other wide yoyos.

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I believe the purple is the new version, does the profile look like this?


Ha, yes, you’re correct. I have the 2024 version. I wanted to play the O.G., but I must have grabbed the wrong one at the table. I’m glad I did, what a happy accident!

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There were less than 10 for sale and they sold out in half an hour (probably because it was a surprise drop) according to a friend of mine who also bought one.

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That Canopy is so rad looking


Interesting because I saw them in stock for hours. I was surprised to see them along with Lunar Eclipse and Lilith Wyvern not sold. I believe they did post some later that did sell out quickly. 10 is not a lot

Big budget haul today, but the highlights are the Geats 9 and the Auldey/Turning Point Collab version of the Positron.

The Geats 9 is the fourth budget superwide I’ve picked up this summer, and I’ve been impressed with all of them. The dimensions are almost the same as the Gush, with the Geats 9 being just a little bit wider (51.2mm vs 52mm). It’s also 3g heavier, which makes it feel a bit more solid than the rest of them (68.5g, half a gram heavier than the YYF Mega Monster).


How are you liking the Super Scintillator? Took me a while to get used to the original but I’ve grown to really like it, it’s great for grinds and finger spins.

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G2 custom Pelican
G2 swirl Wolf

G2 Relic for 2800 push ups (no i didnt)
Motion Elevated
One drop Cabal