What did you get in the mail, 2024?

The most Amazing thing happened.

I had a package coming from Germany in August.
It just kind of vanished.

September October, November, December, January now it’s February

The package was located at the proxy shipping/Receiving station.

It came in the mail today… February 13Th. Approximately six months after it was sent.

The package looks slapped around, be a little bit like a drum, Torn open. Haphazardly tape shut and came looking like a melted snowcone made out of cardboard and packaging paper.

I’m at work right now and my girl texted me some images. I asked her does it feel like there’s anything alive inside? She said I don’t know? I told her well go ahead get industrious be adventurous get a switchblade open that sucker up show me what’s inside?

Seeing how I’m 21 miles away at this moment I have no idea whether the axel got to tweaked a little bit? But she sent me a couple images and the gap view image looks pretty cool.

It’s an ILYY Bias.

Like they say… Better late than ever.

Update> when I got home tonight, I gave the Bias a few tosses and it not only spins dead smooth, but it doesn’t even have any marks on it. The way the packaging looks, I wasn’t expecting ‘no damage’.

But since the original shipping date was August 23rd/2023, obviously miracles can come in pairs, lol…