What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Out of those yoyos, I only have significant experience with the Sucction. Briefly tried a Motif.

I did not like the Sucction and sold it.
It felt hollow and clunky to me, light yet hit like a rock on the end of the string. I couldn’t get into it.
The weight distribution and feel prevented me from flowing with it.
Based on my experience with the Sucction, I did not expect to like the Chunk.

The Chunk blew me away at Worlds.
Immediately purchased.
Feels nothing like the Sucction, just a light-on-the-string yoyo that shreds.
It feels lightweight but has the spinning power and stability of more competition-oriented designs while maintaining its fun factor.
The Chunk is what I wish the original Dunk felt like. Same goes for the Delrin Dunk (LX). These two are major winners. Nearly everyone I talked to at Worlds had a Chunk on them.