What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Today I received my pouch from Bear & Fox Armoury and yes @Xanadu it was a great mail day :grin: Thank you very much :pray:t4:

I couldn’t be happier with this pouch and finally having it in my hands and filled with throws it’s even better than I had hoped for.

Very nice overall build quality and professionally crafted patch with a - in my opinion - really eyecatching minimalistic brand logo.

It really gives off vibes like Xanadu described it…

What I like the most though is that for what I need/want in a Yoyo pouch it has the perfect size and storage option for all sorts of differently spec’d throws (except for 4A I guess). Also the padding is great. It’s thick and stiff enough to protect your throws during drops & rubs while simultaneously being soft and squezzy enough to retain the cases ‘pencil case’ feel.

Also I found for me having a trip or a day out three throws, room for some strings and a tool are all I need and with this pouch I have it in the most compact way.
And even when I stay at home it makes for a classy skill toy pouch on the living room table :upside_down_face:

Thank you very much Xanadu for making these available and sharing your craftsmanship. All the best for your endeavors with Bear & Fox Armoury and everything else.

Good Yo!