I’ve played Tidehunter a bit and I can say that for 60$ it is superb. Definitely feels cheaper than other expensive titaniums, but it does that sound and plays powerful and interesting enough. It has like 9/10 nail vibe which I consider as no vibe at all. So, I think I would keep this one in my collection, maybe will spark it later
About Senti-metal: I was very impressed right after first throw. In play it reminds me OD Kuntosh 5000QV with that awesome capped hollow feel. It is very stable, going powerful, but can get some speed. Weight is perfect for this yo-yo, design is one of the best I’ve seen. It will 100% stay in my collection, unique yo-yo.
And some impressions about steel one called Watieboo SS-01: I’m sure it’s one of the best value yo-yo purchases for me. I was able to get raw version without any ugly engravings, it is looking nice and clean. Like with Tidehunter, I can feel that steel material is cheaper than my other ss yo-yos, but it plays really really solid. It has nice weight (65g as I know), good shape, 8/10 nail vibe which is good for steel, can be played fast, has some float to it and overall very good yo-yo.