What did you get in the mail, 2023

For the record Chase definitely has a less than stellar reputation, while I’m sure you’ll receive your yoyo from a-rt, the same can’t be said if you buy from him directly.

Personally disappointed to see the A-RT team pushing this after the last incident.


Your welcome! Happy to see it made it to you safe and sound. I hope you’ll enjoy it to the max. Our exchanges have been exceptionally nice so thanks very much for that :pray:t4:


I like this little higby campfire!:grinning:


Receive yesterday a Mowl - M+ (start to love this brand a lot) and a C3 - Krown ST 7068
Finally after years (at least 3 years) dreaming for one I finally got my hands on a C3 - Krown and it play exactly how I expected, like a dream, a trick machine, I am having so much fun in horizontal playing and is a combo destroyer, just learnt yesterday the basics of horizontal behind the back with it, is really one of the most technical yoyos I have ever seen, such an amazing product, so happy to have it.

I have to try properly the Mowl as I did dedicated 5 hours just to the C3, can’t wait to study the Mowl a bit more, I throw it just couple of times to try and seems another very good throw!

Also, @OhDavidBowie sold to me both yoyos at an unbelievable good price which I am very thankful for, I pay for the 2 yoyos the price of one shipped and also have been so kind to send me a 2 yoyos case and really a lot of strings, will leave the feedback on his post in a minute but thanks man this was a great mail day


Short answer: yes!

Long answer: this design is only partially inspired by the canvas/diptych design and is in no way a collaboration. The design is an amalgamation of properties and features of that yoyo and the OD/StaticCo Parlay/Sudo as well as the ILYY Krapfen.

I’ll have a proper write-up for it eventually, I promise! But for now I’ll say we are still testing and tweaking the design a bit and working towards a production. Expecting a release later this year!

*edit: had to share this response bump/schmoove groove that I am super proud of!


In what way is like the Krapfen? You didn’t mention that as inspiration at all when you sold this proto.

Personally I don’t think it’s right for you to publicly say you’ll never purchase one of their yo-yos again while making a yo-yo heavily inspired by the people you’re boycotting


I’m gonna say something that’s not gonna sit well with some. No one owns a shape. There are only so many shapes and designs a yoyo can be to be usable and decent. Most yoyos of a specific shape look and feel about the same.


You’re the king of uninformed takes :+1:


The curved (instead of flat) rim is slightly inspired by the Krapfen, more so in the current design changes we are exploring with adding an IRG. It’s minor, and as I mentioned before, a full write-up will be done once we get closer to a release. Apologies for my inconsistency, it is not meant to be misleading.

I see your concern, and it is more than valid. As far as whether or not my recently announced boycott is acceptable with including credit for the inspirations from a 10+ year old yoyo on a design and whether I should move forward with a design that I’ve been working on since last year, I admit I am struggling with it. I see two options: Can the project or move forward and complete it. An unrealized prototype is nothing less than a huge failure for us and a lost investment.

I don’t take the boycott lightly. It’s filled me with a great deal of conflict concerning my love of A-rt’s yoyos and my fairly large collection of them. As well as my admiration of Jensen, Charles, and Tyler as players. Honestly, I hadn’t even heard of Chase until the first debacle with the MAGA hat. I wasn’t going to boycott someone over their idolatry of a public figure, despite my opinion of that public figure. Maybe I should have right then and there though. It’s continued to escalate and has now come to a head, for me at least.

Bigotry is unacceptable. I don’t care if it’s “edgy humor to agitate the algorithm” or down played after the fact. It isn’t right. We are all human. We are all deserving of life, love, and happiness. No matter your race, creed, color, gender, or whatever. Intolerance and persecution of others for these “differences” is an affront to humanity. Come out and admit your mistake, apologize, and move forward. Atonement is not impossible nor is it complicated.

As much as I want to give credit to other’s art that inspires my art, I have seen where others have been criticized for doing so in the past. I will also be heavily re-considering making these kinds of public admirations going forward, perhaps they really do have no place in design write-ups or other descriptions.

Thanks again for voicing your concerns. Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself if what I have said here and what I do moving forward aligns with your morals or not and whether or not you want to support my brand/product.


I personally dont want to support a company that uses the likelihood of another design without getting permission from the original designer. (Which is why im going to sell my martian after finding out recently)

As someone who collects canvas/diptych like products, the only reason I was going to purchase this yoyo was the description said it was inspired by the Canvas/Diptych.( and looks just like it)

I do appreciate your professional response though, thank you


I feel like there’s additional nuance to this. The canvas is a Jensen/CLYW (Chris Mikulin) project. The modern A-RT is being driven Chase/Charles. They’ve mostly driven Jensen out of his own company.


But it’s still Jensens company? And the diptych (“inspired by the canvas/DIPTYCH”) was made by a-rt in 2016.

I’ve asked Steve in the clyw discord why they won’t remake the canvas and he said it’s because it’s Jensens design and it’s up to him if they ever do.


Just wondering if where can I find that they’ve driven Jensen out because in one of the live, he stated that he just don’t want to yoyo designing anymore because he wants to fully focus on art and music and they still keep a good relationship. The team is only Charles, Jensen and Tyler; which Chase is just Charles’s friend but never a part of the team. Am I missing something? Or is it just some rumor/assumption?


so Jensen is still a-rt? his picture is there


Gotcha, it just I heard from the last Jensen’s live, but I am still wondering about others drive their friends out of their own company. Because I believe they don’t want to lose Jensen since he is the biggest name + the head of most designs. That just makes me questioning


The info about this is spread all over the place, and I am not super in the know, but here’s some things:

  • I don’t think A-RT has like, official incorporation papers or whatever. So who “owns” it is mostly a matter of who has access to the website/accounts/etc
  • Chase Hadden has a signature yoyo with A-RT
  • I am recalling Jensen mentioning he felt like he was being driven out somewhere, I am going to go track down where I heard this or if I halucinated it. But he doesn’t really seem to be involved so much any more.

Them not updating their site doesn’t mean Jensen is still in charge and doing things.

Anyhow I’ll go dig up clarifications if I can!

Edit: I misremembered a bit, it was from a DM convo Jensen had had with someone where Jensen had stated he was upset about the Chase/Tate thing, and felt like he had lost control of A-RT. With that, and the following distancing himself from A-RT made it seem like to me that it wasn’t entirely his choice to not be involved any more, because his friends put him in a bad position. I hope that makes things more clear.


I’d appreciate that! People love to assume everything about a-rt and post it anyway as facts

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People also like to assume that nothing weird is going on and everything is fine. Which, I don’t think is the case at all.


I don’t think everything is fine. I just don’t post about things I don’t know anything about and portray it as something i do.

Say the truth about a-rt but don’t start saying things you don’t think you heard or Don’t have evidence for.

If no one challenged you on that statement then many people are lead to believe you know that Jensen has left the company due Charles and chase… but you have no idea