What did you get in the mail, 2023

Received my well deserved Black friday parcel yesterday and I had some hours to pass with those bad boys, all those were stuff I was looking forward from the release date so I am very happy to get it, except the Kim23 which came defected sadly (still playable) so I can write couple of first impression.

The yoyos are: Unprld - Method and Informel and Yoyofactory - Kim 23

Yoyofactory - Kim 23

It arrived damaged sadly, out of the box there were many small scratches on the plastic rims, it was quite dirty and dusty and had a very very good amount of vibrations, I tried to tune it but the axle is stuck inside the yoyo and there is no way to take it out, I tried with the axle keys and with pliers as well, is literally stuck in one cup, had to write the shop to ask if it is possible a replacement.

Anyway even with vibes and not being perfect as supposed to be it was still playable so I passed time with it to understand how it play and have to say that is the beast that many people say, power wise it feels like a bimetal, spin time is huge and is while it is floaty and light it keep a good presence while on the string, they nailed the shape, from tech to meta to horizontal this yoyo does everything good, too good, I think some people can call this yoyo “without personality”, to me is just a great performing yoyo, I felt it so comfortable on intricate string tech tricks and also comfortable during arm tricks, whips and slacks, it seems a yoyo born to competition and to excel in everything and it really does, I cannot even imagine what it can be the Miracle if this is it’s cheapest version, hard to see that is not in many “Best yoyo of 2023” charts, it is just so good, if you like to destroy combos, play technical and hard, horizontal behind the back, horizontal tricks in general, go mental, go fast if you want and everything that comes to your mind, this yoyo is for you an overall insane companion to go berserk!

Unprld - Informel

My friends, I think this is the most underrated yoyo ever, I see this yoyo from one year on the shelves of all the stores, discounted, not loved, basically gifted, in the bst all over the world for couple of dollars and I was like “Why? is it that bad?”
Moved from the cool colourway and the quite cheap discounted price, I decided to try it.
Construction wise it is perfect, the anodisation is grind friendly (thought it was glossy, lucky me I do not really like glossy anodisation), smooth like butter and with a very comfortable size for my hands.
I tried to understand what it was bad about this yoyo but I didn’t found really bad points I can’t justify all those unsold or bst models I do not get it (happy to hear other opinions).

The shape is very comfortable for my hands and the width makes it a very good tech yoyo, the weight it feels just right, nice presence on the string and easy manouvrability, incredibly stable and powerful as well for spin time, I went through all my combos easily and securely, I felt a lot of feeling with this yoyo, I literally enjoy to play it, it is fun and is able to take care of all my weird tricks and slacks.
I did play also with it in horizontal and is ok, I will not participate to the world contest with it but is more than capable to do it.

I think this yoyo is a great addition to a collection to create combos and mostly if you play tech, I think this can become an unbelivable good every day carry yoyo, the more I play with it the more I want to play it with, also is the signature of In Hyeok Choi just look at his video guys to see what you can do with this yoyo!

Unprld - Method

The latest fatigue from Unprld and signature of my favourite player ever Junsang Park, it is described as a “casual” yoyo when you want to escape from competition oriented tricks.
Have to say that when arrived I felt sort of a bit “disappointed”, Idk why I just judge the book from the cover this time maybe it was because I was in hype, I found it a bit “anonymous” just lookin at it maybe because a bit I am tired of yoyos without any graphics or logos at all, would love to see brands doing logos and similar, C3 does it all the time and give to their brand and yoyos a very distinctive character.

Put a string throw it and I changed idea immediately, this little guys is a beast, a bit undersized compared normal yoyos diameter nowadays but packed up inside a great power and a great stability, it doesn’t feel heavy but it feels very present and is not sluggish at all on the string (it kind of reminded me a Recognition, I would say an improvement from the Recog which is a bit too heavy and can feel a bit sluggish), I found it very easy to manouvre and make me feel secure during my tricks and mostly during my slack flow combos, instead of use it for chill playing I decided to do the opposite and just perform the hardest stuff I know and it worked out incredibly well even during horizontal play the yoyo feels very stable (maybe just a bit harder to catch compared other models but horizontal is much more than fine to perform), tech and meta combos goes like a charm cause the H shape and the just right yoyo width, this yoyo is actually insanely good and comfortable for tech tricks.
Another everyday carry that can be used in different and various situation, is nice to play chill and is nice to play competitive, also thinking at the good price at a bit less than 45$ this yoyo can be a very good addiction to your practicing outside on concrete or in situation where is “ok to ding your yoyo”.
A very great addiction to the Unprld line up and honestly a yoyo that should be generally recommended from intermediate players to pro: reliable, powerful and fun!


Finally replaced my diorama that I got rid of awhile back!! Very happy about this, and my replacement parlay also came in and I gotta say I think I might like these two colorways as much if not more than SM. When they spin omg!!

Oh and last but certainly not least, another cappy to add to the line up!


Also got yoyofactory and yoyo friends mystery boxes but will wait til everyones got them before posting



Love that Viper, i have the same one that I got back in 98/99.


I went to get one in 90s but shop was sold out came out with a yomega saber raider wish i still had it now i got adult money i had to get a viper


Still waiting on my yyfr box, went for the bimetal one. Without revealing the goods, are we going to be impressed?


Yes. Its impressive


Speed explosion bearing for the win!!!
Seriously did my first dye job on a viper.

My Black Friday haul was a 2023 pheasant, rebirth and some side effects


You got some great stuff, sorry to hear about the Mir. I’m sure the shop will take care of you, they are one the largest stores. Agree on your thoughts about it, when I first got mine I kept staring at it finding it difficult to believe it’s not a bimetal :joy: The Miracle will amaze you. Also good to hear about the Unprld yoyo’s, both I’ve been wondering about. :hugs:


Received a W1LD Wilderness :hugs: Mono-metal yoyo’s have become so good


Got my Cyber Monday Confusion Ti. It had a Center Trac bearing so it played too semi-unresponsive for me. So I swapped it out for a greased-up flat A bearing and its good to go.

Also got some ProFlys from the Evil Bay.


Henrys haha i use to have a yellow one lost it long ago

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amazing yoyo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yyfr mystery bi metal


Nice! Is that the new Yoyofriends bimetal from the mystery box? Looks awesome. How is it?


It is. It was blurred out tho right? I don’t wanna spoil it if others haven’t received it yet

It’s awesome!! For the second mystery b grade I got another koi. So now I have two so I’ll be offering one for sale or trade. Initially I thought it would be this one cuz my other ones a dope splash but honestly I’m loving this vibrant aqua blue


Not blurred


Nice it seems like it has thick rim klondike/wild vibes. Got me debating if I should wait for that instead of the davinci. Wonder if it will be the anniversary yoyo like last year?