What did you get in the mail, 2023

Shout out GhostBind23


Another Ghostbind23 adventure.

One would think that, considering I got a zillion yo-yos now, that it would be very difficult to shock me into, just shaking my head and saying, ‘Wow, These two yo-yos are really… Really good’.

But I instantly decided that these two yo-yos, to me, are really really good.

If you read the story on these, you already know that they had trouble with the side effects model. They decided to uncomplicate things and machine an SE free Model.

Obviously, at the buying price with or without a discount, this package is not a cheap date. But sometimes in the name of adventure, if you want to play, you have to pay.

At first, I was on the sidelines, doing the wait-and-see what others lsay that may be more adventurous than me? Because I have no shortage of yo-yos to fiddle with, and my skill level wouldn’t impress anybody anyway, I really feel no urgency to buy something else that may have magical powers. lol…

But when Andre popped up with a Halloween discount, and I calculated a little bit how much I paid for magnesium and titanium, yo-yos individually…… I had an epiphany. I thought to myself they’re throwing in the second yo-yo because it vibes and they just didn’t want to throw them away because they ‘are playable’, just a little shakey,blah blah blah.

Obviously, I had no way of knowing how much vibe the yo-yo they throw in the deal is? And obviously all the two for one packages probably have a vibe yo-yo that doesn’t vibe exactly the same. So it’s kind of a toss up of what you get. So are you getting a $400 yo-yo and a free, funny playing yo-yo thrown in? Or are you getting one yo-yo that spins and plays almost perfectly another yo-yo that plays almost as well and just has some vibe? Because if that’s the case you’re probably ending up paying 250 for one and another 150 or so for the other(My mental mathematical calculations and reasonably logical approach to reality, potentially).

So, as soon as I got them today and opened the package, I put a string on the side effects model that was too lame to just sell, whatever?

Boy oh boy, it plays really well. Vibe was never so fun. I mean, it’s got vibe, no doubt. Horrible vibe? Vibey enough to discourage playing with it, no.

I was already smiling and shaking my head before I got the non-side effects model and put the string on that. What an outstanding throw in my opinion. At this point, I don’t know exactly how to describe it without sounding like I’m too goofy about it? But this sucker is the bomb.

Now… Not really certain how to factor which one is worth how much? But the non-SE one is worth every penny in my mind. To get the second one as a gift makes it to me an outstanding deal. Because since I don’t care if things spin perfectly vibe free, it’s actually in the realm of probability that I’ll spend more time throwing the side effect model that vibes then non-side effect model that is perfectly vibe free.

Unless you’re rolling around in money with nothing else to spend it on, I would not suggest to somebody to go out and just buy one if there’s any left. Right now, in the world of yo-yo, there are so many excellent yo-yos at every price point imaginable, that would give you a good run for the money And make you happy as hell. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a yo-yo to be happy and get a good one. Most of us know by now that so many yo-yos made today and in the last few years are so good it’s almost too amazing to believe , what’s for sale.

Great effort by Yoyofriends…

I swapped out the SE’s in the ‘funny yo-yo’ and for whatever reason, the vibe is noticeably minimized.
… Got lucky for sure😁


Picked this bundle up from @Yoyomikie

I don’t know/never heard of most of these. But, always fun to try different yo-yos!

Most these are going to be gifted to my friends kids or anyone else who seems relatively interested in yo-yos. :grin:



Bro doing a yoyo spread :sob:

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Mini spikes look SO good in the Pomodoro!


The Pomodoro smooth lines are a pleasantly disrupted by the obtuse angle of the mini spike drawing you eye to the center point. It is very satisfying to play with the angles in the light box when taking pictures.

It is also amazing throw that is as pleasant to play as it is to look at.

Everyone have a great start to the weekend it is here.


RBG Afterlife. Love the lava like splash even though its not as washy. Afterlife is such a fun yoyo, big and floaty. Super happy to have it in my favorite colorway.




Which one do you enjoy more?


Too early to tell, been jamming a Hades a ton recently so I’m a bit pulled towards the heavier one currently, we’ll see in a month or two… the original Mustang Grade 5 is very refined/elegant, but the heavier one has so much more string presence, and isn’t overbearing with the weight at all.


Japan Technology Kagerou, Yoyofriends DaVinci and another Japan Technology Kagerou. I ordered the yellow Kagerou and then Yoyoexpert had a sale.
Also Sochi 1.5 string, Kitty First Class XL and some Kitty First Class Whip which is shorter than other Kitty string and is very, very tightly wound. Also very rough feeling.


Kagerou and Kitty Whip is a favorite combination of mine.


Dragon Slayer yelets and clear Rev 2


I’m really liking the Kagerou. But the string is rough for me. I’ll play it some and see, mainly wishing it would stretch more. It’s about an inch shorter than I prefer. Have you noticed if the string softens.


It softens a little bit but not a ton


Ok - I am truly shocked by how good it is.


Thanks, I’ll give it more time :hugs:


Im so glad you enjoy! Its truly a gem of a yoyo

