What did you get in the mail, 2023

dream yoyo came in from @MaximShoots , best early birthday gift


the cap sizes are different, unless those are mini sized fingerspin caps… i really want more of these…

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The clear mini is apparently the small bearing version, and I think that means that it’s an A-sized bearing. I measured the diameter and got 10mm, which is smaller than a D-sized bearing which I measured at 11mm. The other models with the large bearing look like they are using a standard C-sized bearing with a 12.7mm diameter. I generally like D-sized bearings, as I can feel a difference in the binds. I’m not sure if the mini’s binds are so strong due to the bearing or other factors, but I can say that it’s binding pretty aggressively using a Kitty 1st-class regular string.

The mini is unresponsive too, as I yanked it a few times and it never came back up. So if it’s supposed to be responsive, then mine wasn’t! But honestly, that’s what I was hoping for anyway.

As far as play goes, I haven’t spent enough time with it yet to get a good feel for it. I’ll have to throw it some more and get a better idea of what to say about it. Honestly, I typically have trouble putting my thoughts about how a yoyo handles into words. For example, I got the YoyoFriends Paragraph a while back and it really felt different to me but I couldn’t think of a good way to describe the differences. Then I watched @KirbyRobot’s video review and he was able to put all my feelings into words and describe exactly what I had felt. So I’m curious to see what others say about the mini.


I been wanting one of these so bad! Just saw that BST say sold this morning. Happy early Birthday!



Thanks, I been curious. I noticed on the YYE page for the mini they have it tagged for responsive yoyos for some reason. I’ve never tried a D size bearing but they sound fun. This yoyo has somewhat has a similar shape and specs as the Recess Little League that I’ve had my eye on. Curious what one is better. I love undersized yoyos.

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Aight you strong armed me into getting one😑

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A crop circle appeared today… :vulcan_salute: :alien:
…and it’s a really great throw! :hugs:


It makes me so happy seeing these arrive and be thrown around!


Its my first wildwood, and definitely not my last. I look forward to the next drop! Awesome job @Eric_Newlin!!!



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Holy cow, what a mail day! Enjoy. And big ups for the studies so Congratulations. What field of study?

I just wanted to repost this. Very cool and I feel quite similar.

I thought to myself just yesterday, how cool is it that we can just about post up in any city, country for that matter, and find a friend. In fact, I think I’ll start a thead…. Post Up Friend, a YoYo Club (P.U.F. YO.YO). Post in this thread to find some yo.yo. I travel a bunch for work so I’ll start asking as I’m bouncing around (East cost mostly which bumps be out a bit cause I’d love to attend DXL!!). Corny, I know but let’s see.

So glad to hear your positive feedback @MattC !

Peace. Shwa


Shutter Evo :alien:


So purty! I love my EVO. Nice string, can you get it in blue/gold?

Are titanium yo-yos harder to damage considering it’s stronger?

I want something I can throw without worrying about dropping it and causing it to vibe


Yeah but I don’t think al monos are that easy to ding really badly to begin with

Escolar type of day. :sunglasses:


Yea I’d say so. Depends on the design tho ofc

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fellow teal fan :handshake::handshake:

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Are those aluminum Paul Escolar Freehands going to be available anywhere?

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