What did you get in the mail, 2023


That looks amazing Chris. Its a cool combo. How does it throw?

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Haven’t put this one down much since getting my hands on it yesterday. Motion is definitely killing it, love how much presence the harmonic has despite the light weight.



I feel like that samurai edition of the fh2 is pretty close to a remake of the superyo samurai. The shape reminds me of the renegade every time i see it .


This thing is freaking ridiculous…
TP Seraph


I grabbed this guy because who doesn’t want a mini freehand with a Samurai.

It plays very nicely. I like it a lot. the size felt really comfortable. Really familiar.

Then I realized why.

These things are pretty much twins. The End feels heavier and throws smoother but otherwise, they feel very similar In size and shape.

I’m definitely a fan of smaller organic throws like these.

Enjoy the throw my friends


I want mine to get here so bad. Most likely tomorrow.


Yesterday I received a set of Z-stack for my confusion, I enjoyed the standard stack and thought I’d give them a try. They come in a few different colors, I think the translucent blue look pretty good on this.


It looks like the string could slide into the gap between the outer rim of the yoyo and the inner wall of the z-stack. That seems like a recipe for danger on a responsive.


Yea I thought that too, but I feel like as long as you have good control or you were fast enough it just slip right around it.

Very well! Smooth and a surprisingly long spin time. I am very happy with it. Can’t wait to see how the small bearing compares

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Yoo… how does this play? I will be joining you soon.

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My Mail been holding out all week and decided that today was gonna be the first day they ran this week. THEY BROUGHT ME MONSTERS

This community I will always love.

To the people that I’ve done business with over the last twenty years and the people I constantly buy/trade from…Thank you

Box One: Custom Goose. Oh shes perfect too

Box Two: Wolf, Pelican, B22

Box Three: Arbiter X, GBP and Direwolf


Life, AL6 Covey, AL7 Covey, a respawn and how about a FREE TI TRITON V2

I will never be able to repay this community for the friendship you give me and the push to continue to better myself daily. I get that from you guys. I wouldn’t have my bachelors degree as I sit here if it wasn’t for a few members of this community and soon I will be done with my masters program. I just get all the good vibes from this community, and no matter where we have met, either on line or in person, I hope you feel the honest to god love I have for everyone of you. If it wasn’t for my wife, children and this community, I would be a lost man.

Oh all the Yo-yos are made by @G2_Jake, just in case you were born yesterday

Throw the best, get you one!

I’m def posting a shitty trick with that TI tonight when I get home. So get ready for that.


It feels lighter than the specs say. I’m not super experienced/good at all, so take this with a grain of salt lol!
The build quality is awesome, and the rims are seriously weighted. It has a more open shape and bigger catch zone compared to my TP Aster, and feels more lively.
If you want to know any other details/pics just let me know.

My first magnesium throw, and it’s definitely not my last…


Do you know why I was dying to get a FH mini? Because it’s roughly the same size as my beloved Raptor (with fingerspin hubs, as shown on the left).

Their shapes are different, though, which is actually a good thing since they have their own unique feel during play. I also replaced the Raptor’s response pads with silicone, so they bind very differently too. And since I can’t leave well enough alone, now I want to see if I can swap out the mini’s caps for fingerspin caps and silicone the response!


I haven’t been able to stop staring at this thing since it came yesterday!


The mini looks so fun. That clear one looks great too! Is the small bearing responsive? I been confused about this.


I second the above post.

Could you give a small review, or your thoughts on how the small bearing plays?