What did you get in the mail, 2022?

Okay this arrived last Monday but I didn’t have a chance to post about it last week. Rainbow Survivalist with Glen’s new experimental response. No response holes but instead collars on either side of the axle that increase friction on the string loop.
This is my first Spinworthy so unfortunately I can’t compare it to an original Survivalist but I will say that it is very responsive while still being very smooth on the response grab. Can almost be too responsive at times so I need to watch my string tension. Despite Glen recommending poly string, I’ve actually found that Zipline KOTN offers the best playing experience for me.

I’m not a fixie expert but I agree with @mable’s comments in that it excels at stalls and flip-type tricks but struggles with string tricks. Any layering will quickly kill the spin.
Overall I am really enjoying this throw, so much so that I took a break from unresponsive play and have been playing it exclusively for the last week.
Thanks @Glenacius_K for making this for me. It is a beautiful piece!


Yeah, I’ve stopped using that response for good.

Beautiful, picking mine up shortly!


Initial thoughts can sometimes be deceiving (i didn’t like the Panorama first time i tried it), but i will share my feelings after a few minutes of play.

First of all, appearance is so cool to me. Profile view is unmistakably CLYW, and the cup is perfectly Luftverk. Seems a little more shiny than other raw Ti that i own or have owned.

Shape and feel in the hand are also a great blend imo, i didn’t really connect with the Borealis 2 or Wish for those reasons so I was pleased that this isn’t quite as H shaped as those. I really enjoy the rounded edges as the gap gets towards the cup, very comfy when i catch it.

I don’t know that i feel this as being particularly competition oriented, as it plays kind of light and floaty (compared to the Tundra). But i haven’t competed seriously in 20 years so I’m not disappointed. It can take everything i throw at it for sure.

Overall I’m very impressed with the throw, my wife suggested i rate it so i say 4.3/5

Family photo for good measure:


“Limited edition”


Very fun throw first ti​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I thought you ‘definitely’ weren’t going to get one Brandon? :joy:


I specifically said my willpower was weak right after lol


Well I guess my Survivalist is 1/5 now then. :rofl:

But seriously @Glenacius_K, you seemed to be so psyched about this response design until Kyle Nations said he didn’t like it.
I think it’s great, it feels fantastic to throw and is addictively fun for stalls. @Mable seems to be a fan as well.
I am curious to compare it to your original response style, or maybe to whatever you settle on next. But again, I think it’s great.


I was pretty happy with it and in some ways I still think it’s pretty good.

I think for pure 0A, it’s pretty good response. What I like about it is that you get more of the feel of the material through the response, whereas the drilled holes can numb that a bit.

It is a problem that 1A elements are more tricky on it though, and that’s my reason for dropping it.

I’m working on refining the drilled holed response to feel smoother and remain reliable. I’m getting there.

@mable 's white survivalist is the nicest and smoothest feeling on the string I’ve ever made. I loved it.


What’s that yoyo?

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I thought it might be Antithesis, but wasn’t sure.

I don’t think it’s an Antithesis. I own one, and this yoyo looks more rounded and doesn’t have the cuts before the rim that the Antithesis has.


Looks like the enso ui?


All the half-swaps (except the red. I only liked it swapped with blue).


Ensoyoyo ui


I was very fortunate to get my CLYW & Luftverk Alpine last night before I left for a trade show. Picked it up late so I forgot to take photos of the whole package, but I got lucky number 13!

I only have a short time with it so far, but it absolutely rips. Love the shape, profile, size, and response. Absolutely butter smooth.


Got the Godspeed today. Review coming soon :wink:


Everyone is getting their Alpines, mine hasn’t moved. :frowning: Hopefully they just missed a scan.

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Another exciting mail day! I think I waited about 6 months to get this underdog.