What are you throwing today?

2015 EH with teak axle and handmade type 12 string from “French“

Number of throws that I had in my case - Salti, Firrox, Igloo, Blizzard, Hideyoshi, Masamini…

What yoyo is that? Looks like a Ti

just a nickel proton (b-grade)

Small bearing, love this yoyo

Finally got my B-Grade Flea from the YoYoFactory Adventure. SO… MUCH… FUN!!!

Scorched Peon today

Tundra AMS

Yoyofactory D10 :smiley: This thing is amazing!! Mine is so smooth! :o

Looks amazing!

Returned to the modern unresponsive that really kicked things off for me, and got me to return to yoying, and catch up with the modern trends. Two hours on the porch tonight, working on suicides, cross-arm stuff, and drinking whiskey, with Grand Duchess Sophie, of the Haus of Orange. :stuck_out_tongue:

5" wood I got off ebay for $6shipped.
It actually throws w/ the rope thats on it.

Space Cowboy

This.Hey Aaron here’s a bad pic.

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This guy!

Love the pro z made mine fully unresponsive with center track bearing and slim silicone pads and even though moved on from it keep in my bag at all times as it rocks

I’ll probably end up grabbing more at some point so I have them around for work and something to do with my hands during boring calls.

Definitely I have been throwing that for like two years till just recently retired it for a metal every day throw

A pink Yoyojam Trigger,I just restarted throwing and I got to say Its dayummm fine.