What are you throwing today?

ok lol aroumd how many yoyos do you have i have 8 @nonja121


I’m not feeling alone now…
Thanks! Ahahhaha


It’s not how many yoyos you have but how many of those yoyos absolutely ROCK. I have waaaay too many yoyos but only about 9-10 that to ME and absolutely ROCK.


Lets say you string them all, with normal Kitty. How long would you play untill you have burned all those strings withouth replacing?


Well, when I first got into yoyos in 2015 I had no idea about different kinds of yoyos. I bought a Duncan Imperial. Within a month I started to buy all kinds of yoyos over the next several years I impulse purchased a lot of yoyos both plastic and metal. In the beginning I wish I had a yoyo mentor that set me up with a few quality metals and taught me to bind because I would have purchased far, far less yoyos. For the price of a dozen cheap metals I could have purchased 2 quality metals and been far happier. I have about 150 yoyos and play with 8-10 regularly. I gave my apprentice about 10 very good / decent yoyos which I am sure he will pass on to his future apprentice.


If you play 2hours a day (which is a lot) you could play all your yoyos for almost 2 years without repeting.

That’s a lot…hey, since you know much more than me… I was wondering my last 2020 yoyo purchase to be a Akita. What would you say as a mentor yoyo? And if they release the hummingbird drop, I would want that too… What would you say? I must select only one however…

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I’m not the person to ask as I have no experience of those yoyos. I don’t really know that much.


The akita and wildfire are incredible. I picked up a navigator during the May sale, but I haven’t spent much time with it. How are you liking the pariah? I’ve been low key watching for one on the BST, and keep wondering if I should look harder.


Akita over the hummingbird. Easy choice for me. They are both incredibly good, but the akita is more well rounded and happy playing however you want to play. The hummingbird is really fast, but much less stable and it doesn’t feel as powerful.


3 of my favorites today.


Thanks for the oppinion, I’ll certainly take into consideration.


You are being humble, you sure know much much more than me.

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I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Hummingbird described as less stable or powerful than, well, much of anything. It is a more modern Draupnir, and a little better, IMO.

The biggest difference between the Akita and the Hummingbird is that the Akita is wiiiiiiiiiiiiide while the Hummingbird is considerably more narrow at 42.9mm wide. And there is almost a 3g weight difference between them. Sure, they are both bi-metals, but IMO they couldn’t be more different.


I believe Hummingbird is made of Al 70series, while Akita 60’s, is it important to take into account?


7068 is more durable and allows yoyos to be designed with thinner walls and more diverse weight distributions, but that doesn’t automatically mean a 7068 yoyo will be “better” than 6061 yoyos. “Better” really comes down to the design and quality of manufacture.

I’ve never played an Akita–way too wide for my tastes–but the fact that is is made from 6061 rather than 70xx isn’t really of much consequence, in my view. I don’t think the type of aluminum used is going to be a major factor in determining which you will like more. That is entirely a matter of design and (your) preferences/goals.


Pulled this gorgeous throw from its case today.

Mythril Gravitas


Nice 1 something I am also already eyeballing since a while. How do you feel about it?


I am quite fond of the Gravitas. I love its design and performance. Mythril made very high-quality yoyos.


It definitely looks beautiful.


Do you know some yyf or sf or clyw bi metals that was better than YYR ? Describe Your thoughts why pls

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