What are you throwing 2024?

@KorinaMcCarty didn’t you also do that with your Parlay and found the right use for those brass SE’s ?


I’ve been throwing a yo-yo I had entered in the World Yo-yo Modding Contest, 20 years ago(2004).

It’s called the Thing. I machined it from Solid Delrin Barstock. Each half was machined in two pieces. Before I pressed the parts together, I dipped the OD’s of the inner pieces in red/orange Rit dye.

As the angular surfaces of the walls were formed, the orange was cut away until only a red/orange pinstripe remained.

The hubs were bored to fit soft Matador bearing tips. This would allow for rip starts, finger spins and throwing the yo-yo sideways like a top.

After taking 1st in the: 2001, 2002 and 2003 World Mod Competitions(with modded yo-yos), I had this bright idea(I thought, lol) to make a yo-yo from scratch, just to show, if nothing else, that I wasn’t just a 1 trick modding from parts Pony.

Interestingly, the Judges decided that my effort could have been more refined. I came in fourth that year.

I missed 3rd place by 1 point. 3rd place was taken by a good friend(John Rollins/another modder). Johns’ entry was a small yo-yo with halves shaped like little Hockey Pucks. The halves were cut from Corian material, most often used to make counter tops.

So…. What I personally felt was my best effort, yielded my worst results, lol.

After the Contest, they sent the yo-yo back to me. I just put it back in my collection.

A few years later, I called Frank Difeo(a very close friend). I told him I wanted to send him a yo-yo for his Birthday. Not being all that Bright(occasionally), I told Frank, ‘Any yo-yo that I have in my Collection, I will gift you for your Collection… No restrictions… any yo-yo.

Frank, without hesitation, said, ‘I’ll take that ‘Thing’ you made’. I would not have bet a dollar, he would have chosen that particular yo-yo. After all, we all know the guy is a yo-yo making machine, lol

What I failed to consider, was that, he simply wanted a yo-yo that ‘I’ made. I think he was a Judge that year at Worlds?…. And maybe liked it, I’ll never know?

That ‘Thing’ was on display for about 16 years.

Still, a a few months after Frank Difeos sudden Death, Franks passing is heart breaking to many. Like Paul Escolar(who also died suddenly) they both contributed so much to yo-yos, their sudden unexpected departures are difficult to wrap your heads around.

Frank and his Wife Kathleen were high school sweethearts. They were inseparable for 50 years.

Several days ago, in the mail, I received a package from Kathy Difeo. I opened the box and inside was ‘The Thing’. She said she knew Frank would have wanted it returned to me.

There is no way I can/could ever explain to her, how much getting the yo-yo back means to me.

I try to be the guy that surprises people with things they can truly remember and appreciate.

Kathleen tapped me out on this one.

So, I’ve been throwing it for a few days now, just to remember what I was up to, 20 years ago.

I will post up a few pics >


That was a beautiful story and a beautiful yoyo. Thanks for sharing, Doc!


That “thing” is really cool. And thank you for sharing that amazing story.


Past three days, I’ve found myself consistently picking up this glass smooth B-grade black w/rainbow rims Unicorn for 1A and moebius tech, and some quick and dirty 5A with whatever quick setup CW is nearest at hand, was using a hot pink UN [/Skwer] earlier. :yum:
Been loving how it plays with the rings the most I think.


That’s my current setup for Parlay!! Word.


That’s such an awesome story, Doc! Thanks for that and glad that “Thing” made its way home.

I don’t know how involved his wife was with his yo-yo life but he definitely made it known where that one belonged if she should ever become the keeper of his collection! I often think about this, should I meet an untimely passing! Will my family know the “special” ones in my collection. Time to write my yo-yo will! :pray:


Yyf kapital


Ooooo I’ll bet that looks so nice spinning!!!


Nice and purply


Over 10 years. STILL in rotation.


Why is it that my yo-yos get delivered on the day that I leave for a business trip?

Green reboot sits and waits until Friday!


Working on Grandma Kimmit’s Sandwich :sandwich:


Pomodoro, atmos. DedHed cw @rnsy

@DedHed I did not realize this was your design. It’s incredible.



I NEED A BURGER. I desperately need this week to be over, but I need that burger more.


Dee eye why


King… literally where did you get this burger? It looks INSANELY good


Idk i think it could use more bacon.


Double heavenly bacon burger from a little hole in wall bar and grill place in Pittsburg, KS called Chatters. They also do so killer salads, steaks, sushi, asian entrees, etc. Menu kinda changes week to week.


Damn… was hoping it was a chain of some sort that I could visit, cause I’m a huge double bacon cheeseburger fan, but I guess I know where I’m going if I’m ever in KS fashooo