This post conveys no information whatsoever If you were given a Shutter as a gift - you technically own one now. What does the Australian flag have to do with that?.
Who is the “man himself” (Stein?)? And why did he give you a Shutter? Was it in Australia? Was it recently? Was the “man” there for a reason? Just so many questions and no information at all.
As others have mentioned. It’s a Shutta, Gentry has been doing some posts on his social media regarding it. There’s two versions, a green/gold with a kangaroo on it and the one I posted which is the Australian flag colours.
The “technically” bit is a little sarcasm…. Like a joke….?
Yes he’s in Australia, also info on his social media (and YYF).
He gave it to me, no store was involved. Over the weekend - would you like the date and time too….?
I don’t understand why you think I needed to do a full essay with my picture….? Like it’s just a fun picture of a Yoyo I got and was throwing that day.
(The Voice of All Grendel’s world wide.)
Forgot this morning, but Grunt was around all morning. This thing will be the one of the only things I throw at home for a good while. Crazy good midsized yoyo. Grab one if you can on the drop Friday
If ever I have the opportunity to come to Australia I would consider it the highlight of my trip to visit your shop.
Edit: and I sincerely appreciate your invitation.
So Gentry is in Australia? So Gentry gave it to you? Where? Why? Are you friends? Did you just run into Gentry on the street? Why would you not elaborate on this? All you do is drop cryptic comments that do not convey any real information.
You posted the confusing tease; not me. If you would be more clear you might not get anyone asking questions.