What are you throwing 2024?

I’ll bring the fosters and the bourbon!


Yeah ok champ.


Bring the Bourbon if you want, but man, do I have to drink Fosters? Give me a Coopers Pale Ale instead.


Fosters… Australian for pi$$ water


Fosters is Australian for ‘Who the heck in Australia ever drinks Fosters?’.


I have heard that it can be rather offensive to offer an Australian a fosters. I wasn’t sure if it was true, until now… :rofl:


Haha. Not offensive. We’re just not in the mid 70s anymore.


So, now the high road?

You are taking my comment all wrong. I was asking for more information on your post. Not to start an argument; which at the conclusion - has still not provided any new information on how, why, where you got this new Shutter. I bet there is a good story there that we will not hear.

Since you do not care to provide the forum anything new other than snarky comments - I will put this in the “don’t care” bucket.

It’s funny. Oil cans are everywhere in California. Usually 2 for 4 bucks.
And a friend told me all about your Bourbon taxes. He was amazed at American prices. I hear Canada has the same thing.


What more info do you need?

Gentry is in Australia. For the Australian Toy Fair. It was held in Melbourne. He held a meet in Melbourne for the local players, and he is doing one in Sydney next this weekend. Because of his trip he decided to release a version of the Shutter with a play on the Aussie accent. Hence the SHUTTA. and the colourways. And the engravings.

There’s two versions

Green and gold with kangaroo engraving was 25 pieces released through his website. Kangaroo are one of our national animals - we also eat it and it’s a pest. Go figure.

The blue/red is a Aussie flag colourway (hence the :australia: in my original post) and has a Southern Cross engraving. 50pieces being sold.

And before you ask - the Southern Cross is a constellation very prominent in the sky at nighttime down under - useful to finding South at night when walking through the outback. One and half lengths of it down and you’ve got south, walking at night is much better than through the daytime - wayyyyy too hot. Sand less burning on the feet. Less snakes too.

None of this is secret information - gentry posted about the yoyos and his trip on his social media.

Gift - I mean I thought this was pretty obvious as gift means it was gifted. From him to me. I didn’t think I needed to explain further. Do you have a different definition of gift?

There’s no great story. Basic comprehension of my very first post said it all pretty well.

You clearly do care otherwise why the continued barrage of questions

Have a day, and next time I post a nice little picture to show the one of many yo-yos I have in my collection that I’m throwing that day I’ll remember to include its detailed history just for you.

Do you ask everyone for a detailed write up of every Yoyo they post in here….? Because I’ve not seen too many of them.



Oh wait I forgot we’re all actors down here and Australia doesn’t exist :wink:


The truth finally


I mean meeting and getting a yoyo from gentry is neato I get why someone would want more details.


Idk him (Gentry incase anyone is confused) throwing my yoyo at worlds last year was more exciting.


I love this song.

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I knew it!!! Shrimp on the Barbie. Psych ops for sure.


If this is a Thing? I need to change my Priorities. Schedule a trip to Australia and Day(s) to work next to a legend in his shop on a yoyo!

Sounds too good to be true!


My classic!


I would say I could find an excuse for a work trip but that would just put me in a remote part of Australia far from anyone who cares or makes yo-yos. It’s like my trip to Orlando next week. Sounds great a free Florida trip in the winter except it’s the industrial part of Orlando 2 hours away from anything fun.

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Wow, didn’t notice from your original post the custom “Shutta” engraving, Pretty cool…