What are you throwing 2024?

I did not enjoy the Ditch, its been a while since I’ve thrown it but it felt a little lacking to me. I know it gets a lot of love so I might be in the minority.

The Campfire is similarly sized but is a great yoyo with awesome presence and lots of personality on the string.


Hopping on the bandwagon, but this thing rocks!

Feels very lightweight and zippy and doesn’t have any sluggishness, but it is somehow still long-spinning, stable, and powerful. This definitely feels like a very balanced yoyo since the weight distribution hides the power and weight from playfeel so it doesn’t overwhelm you. The finish is great for grinds and fingerspins. Yoyo is durable too cause I dinged within the first five minutes and it was still smooth :joy: (realized too late that the string it came with was too long for me). Yoyo is a banger 10/10.


Par Avion my sweet! Thanks again @Fancy-0


I was throwing this color yesterday. Nice pickup! Here’s the pic from yesterday but I got muted lilac on me today


Shamrock green FTW! Also, you nailed it in the park with the connection, good job king :+1:

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What are your thoughts on the peakhand. I keep going back and forth about whether are not I want pick one up when they drop.


This one is near the top of the all time favorites list. Definitely my favorite C3

Omnitron Noah
Bad Wolfe Slicc Goldilocks in “ my shot”

Enjoy the throw my friends


May it serve you well, friend!

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Muted Lilac Monday!


Agent Orange Fade Cascade. 🩷 :yellow_heart: :orange_heart:


i really enjoy mine. i had the opportunity to play it b2b with the og peak at Worlds and even though its a small bearing unresponsive, it seems to have some similar qualities on the string. a little heavy, unstable, super fun. its a great mix of aluminum freehand and peak vibes imho.




I really wish they didn’t put in that lip to fit friction stickers. I get why it’s there, but just can’t stop thinking about how one of the best mods you can do to a plastic Freehand One is to take a razor blade and cut the friction stick lip right off.

I kinda want a metal Peakhand just for myself to take a dremel to and remove that lip LOL

A lot of the people I talked to were pretty negative on the metal and preferred the plastic, but I actually liked the metal one enough to the point where I’m only half joking about getting one to mod.


Perpetual - italways finds favor with me when choosing a YoYo to play


FYI, this one went unresponsive after just a little play, not sure if I want to fiddle with it or leave it as is.

Yeah, I really wish that little lip wasnt there too. I’d love to see one modded to get rid of it LOL. I’ve seen the negative responses to it and I don’t get it personally. Its a super fun yoyo.

@kevinm, mine was perfectly unresponsive out of the box and the bearing spins like its dry. I dont know if the point of it was to be responsive or not, but its fine as is for me.


I kind of like it, it’s that netherworld between tug responsive and being unresponsive as possible before binding was well known. That’s when yo-yoing was dangerous and exciting.


I can see the appeal of that, but at least for me I just want to play it as a small bearing fully unresponsive. The one I played was totally unresponsive but really wanted to snag on a third string layer when I was trying to do Ayumu tech on it. Removing the friction sticker holding bump really does wonders for making the plastic FH1s not as prone to snagging on more dense string layering.

And yeah @bheinz63 I definitely think people were a bit too negative on it, I’m kinda seeing the metal Peakhand forecasted as a yoyo nobody is super hot on for the next few years. But later down the road, after people get over the disappointment of this not just being an OG Peak, people will start enjoying it a lot more for what it is instead of being unhappy about what it isn’t. Sorta like what happened with the Peak 2.


I have a feeling you’re completely right on this one being more well received later on down the road. I’ve had some snags, but can get through my relatively limited tech tricks which is great. The snags have seemed to happen at weird spots too lol. I’m gonna be siliconing it soon, so hopefully the deep recess will help there


cool yoyo but the A bearing was a turn off for me with the peakhand… i’m just over trying to make A bearing yoyos work fully unresponsive, they are better suited to semi responsive and the maintenance that requires.