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The DS is very reliable in my experience but if the string develops a lot of tension there is a problem - a tug return is difficult or impossible. I mess up a lot so I end up doing corkscrews which messes up the string.
Do you know your sidewinders to control tension?
It looks cool i want one lol
I do it another way. I’m still adjusting to the DS after years of full size. I’m determined to master it!
Happy birthday @Mystik!
I’m visiting a friend for a while and here’s what I brought with me. I always like seeing what other people pack their travel cases with.
I honestly could’ve just packed up the Chief and Survivalist, but I’m sure everything else will see at least a bit of play too. Other yoyos are a Freyja, Freehand One AL, Glacier Express, and PLSTC.
Thanks man, one step closer to the hill.
Too long to read…
Deep State. Even after a week of barely picking up any other yoyo I am having a horrific time of just consistently (1 out of 10 times) getting front mounts that are straight enough for any tricks / elements. My success is so awfully spotty that it feels like 2016 again when I struggled for a year with looping and got decent and then all my looping memory muscle went away and I gave up yoyoing for 3-5 months. I know it’s all about practice and I’m not trying to get sympathy but sometimes my patience and skill level hits a wall of frustration and what is supposed to be a fun hobby ends up taking away from my life and not adding to it. I still feel determined to master a slim semi-responsive yoyo that it pains me to just shelve my Deep State because it feels like giving up and a week is a short time but even with full size yoyos that are very forgiving my throwing is often not dead-on but I can still maneuver through tricks and elements pretty successfully.
Maybe it would be helpful to take a step back and work your way up in increments of difficulty. Same as when you get into a workout routine. Like, start with a less forgiving throw (not a full on slimline, but something that tends to tilt more easily or has less spin time) to make it slightly more challenging, but not frustrating. Then, work your way up to the slimline as you start seeing progress by throwing a flat bearing in there or play with different string lengths, etc. Just spitballing here, but you get the idea.
This hobby is all about having fun, so if I start getting frustrated or it starts getting stale, I like to switch things up a bit. I like that I can always come back to whatever I was working on at a later time when I feel refreshed.
Some favorites, new and old. Some new favorites that I knew I would love, and some that took me by surprise.
Don’t see many Mayhem’s on here! One of my favorites
I know! Which is super sad because I love it. I knew I would LIKE it, but I’m surprised at how much I love it. Quick favorite for sure.
It’s the mid 2010’s and I’m looking for a competition bimetal.
Draupnir, Agonist, Leo Schneider mk2, Masamune, Anglam, and Berserker (I didn’t have a normal version just my ti one)
I had palpitations back in the day but ended up getting rid of them.
I absolutely love mine !!! Every time I throw it I almost feel like I have to play like evan lol