It’s not mine, I’m just borrowing it from a friend. It’s been a really fun experience to throw though. It’s a shame these OG ones seem like such a pain to maintain because of the super shallow pad recess. I’m trying to jam on it as much as possible before the silicone falls out lol.
One of the biggest appeals of the Project to me is just how awesome it looks. It looks and feels like a piece of art.
Update (my first response was for the wrong yoyo, lol).
It plays light and fast, but very stable, and has very good power. It’s also very beautiful, and it shows that TopYo can really compete with any of the high end producers when it chooses to go that route.
That sounds like my kind of yoyo! Thanks for the insight! The real kicker is that it’s a titanium yoyo with not one, but two stainless steel rims and still costs $300, which is the same price as quite a few purely titanium yoyos. Topyo is amazing.
Creep with Badwolfeco Slicc black string for maximum creepy.
If anyone is on the fence about ordering one of these, do it. I’d put this among my MCMO and Mowl Q for an amazing organic, and that’s very high praise from me.
Also how many times has OD done a raw like this? This vtwo isnt silver its actually raw with clear coat im assuming. Most OD in the clear is more like a silver color but this is pretty neat colorway