What are you throwing, 2022?

Come to think of it, I was pretty hungry when I posted that… I still think the colors look like ground beef, cheese, and lettuce though :joy:

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YYF OneStar. This was my first unresponsive throw I purchased 7-8 years ago. Threw on some badwolfeco string this morning and off we went.


This Atmos Goji (spoils grade)

I love it but man, it makes my skills feel very, very weak. I’ve never been great with organics except the Recess Little League. This Goji is tough. If I get tilts I know it is totally my fault and tilts are always to the left as a result of my nth index not being perfect positioned. Note: I only throw frontstyle. I get wonky tilts maybe 2 out 10 throws on my other yoyos and can usually correct a tilt pretty easily and move on but the Goji will accept nothing but perfection - not the Goji’s fault, mine.


I feel like the Noah is a little more forgiving.


Yeah, not sure what happened with the o-ring spare I sent you. Another one is on its way as we speak :wink:


You only throw front style?


I guess you have both, right? Now, I am in no way saying one single negative thing about the Goji, it’s just that it throws a huge spotlight on my skills and ability to keep it under control. Even with the nice bump above the response I am struggling. Goji, it’s not you…it’s me. I taught my neighbor to throw 2 years ago and he was all over it doing huge eli hops and very advanced stuff and me…almost reduced to a beginner. Maybe my head will be in a better place tomorrow.

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Looks good though :+1:

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Went Huckleberry picking today and tossed the Parthenon around a bit on the mountain.

The berry bucket ran off with the person holding it, so I found yet another use for @beezy’s cozys. :rofl:

Got some great looking berries, and had some awesome views of Great Northern Mountain.


You are not alone. Though I wonder if they could recapture the special sauce of the Chief in the present day.


They just need to make more


Well, we’ll find out soon enough. The Leaf, which I believe is the replacement to the Chief, is supposedly coming this year.


Yes - I saw Steve B mentioned this some time back and the Leaf has been popping up more on their Discord. I will be in line for a replacement but the Chief in it’s OD machined, Gruntbull anodised form is legacy.


Skyrim voice:
“Gods be praised!”

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This morning I like the Goji a lot more. I find that if I play slower I can make adjustments and I can keep things going longer and straighter. At my skill level I can’t treat it like a speed demon like some yoyos and for me it requires a lot of finesse.


Was throwing 5A all last night, tbh I might prefer responsive 5A to unresponsive (maybe its because I’m still bad at it lol)


Organics fit my play style of flowy and slow, with a little burst of speed here and there. If I want more stability I’ll grab one of my bi metals.


MFD 2Evil 7075 Sunken Treasure colorway and pic 2.0


@Shwa, waitting for the se discs to arrive. I’m curious about this setup.


Great! I’m glad someone is going to try it. Feels almost hollow. A bit on the heavier side but so stable it seems. I can really power throw some chopsticks elements and it stays right on plane.

The obvious downside is it covers the artwork.

Let me know what you think.