What are YOU looking for in a comp yoyo?

in your opinion, what makes a good comp yoyo? long spin time? rim weight? fingerspin cups?
let me know what you think is a good comp yoyo.



Concave bearing

runs away


It is a lot of opinion, but generally it’s a yo-yo that can stand up to intense play. They’re almost all more modern shapes. Finger spin cups don’t matter because finger spins don’t score. It all depends on your play style. There are definitely a lot of rim weighted comp yo-yos out there but not all of them. Currently I’m using the Shutter Wide Angle, which isn’t super rim weighted.


Obviously it will vary by player, but the general trend in competition yoyos over the last couple of years has been towards rim-weighted V- and H- shaped throws. Spin time and stability are king right now given the current meta, which includes a lot of horizontal play along with the tech stuff, speed stuff, and crowd-pleasing bangers.


@Travelingyoyokid @zslane i need to change the title :joy: i meant in your opinion what is a good comp yoyo.

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Well as I said I am using the wangle. Before that I used the edge and the atlas. ( I like wide yo-yos)

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wide yoyos are awesome. i found my YoYofficer Quash in much wider then my other throws.

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I’m not good enough to compete so I can’t say what I’d look for in a competition yoyo with any real conviction.


I wouldn’t say fingerspin cups makes a good competitive yoyo.

Something that helps you personally get your routine down as well as you can where the tool is no longer the limiting factor out of what is currently available be that an organic with a flat bearing or a hyper expensive yoyo with a magnesium alloy bearing lol. Whatever that makes your routine as easy as possible in my view is what makes the best performance yoyo.


Alter Ego and the VTWO would be my go to, so anything that’s like those throws :raised_hands:t4::sunglasses:


I think Min hit the nail on the head here. It has been a couple of years since I’ve been on the competition stage (I’m planning on being back for MA States and NER 2020). However, I tended to pick a yoyo I liked playing and would practice my freestyle on that yoyo (and my backups). The outlier was the year I wanted to use a trapeze stall to transition to front style tricks. I used the 44RPM Blues (with wood weight rings) as that was what gave me the most confidence with the stall. No one in their right mind would use that yoyo for competition, but, it worked for me.

So, pick what helps you feel confident on stage.