Werrd yoyos

where did the beef go? It was up there but now it is gone.

Where’s the BEEF :smiley:

Seriously, I was wondering the same thing yesterday. Did they sell out already?

Sold out… no

Do you know what may have happened? That was a hot looking throw.

where is that beef its not in my fridge anymore?

i was wondering that too?

the BEEF’s design stepped on someones toes, it had to be pulled from stores. Sorry guys, for those that got one enjoy it, to those who didn’t - they are out in the world, you just have to know where to find them :wink:

Prays: “not duncan not duncan not duncan”

but seriously, how could anyone hate the BEEF?

oops i ate a hamburger last night. i know where they are… oh no

YoYoJam holds the patent for any material that is a higher density than the rest of the yo-yo on the outside of the rims, mista8eight8. The Beef is in violation of this patent, while the Split decision is not since the rims are less dense.

Let’s also try to not hate on Duncan.

hate hate hate. hahaha. there is no need for it, but in some cases ( yomega, duncan) it is appropriate

Hate is never appropriate.


I’m not hating on duncan, i like their company, By saying “not duncan” I am saying they don’t need this crap at the moment with all the CW controversy

Wise words Kahli :slight_smile: