Werrd: I miss you!

Must be at least one release every 10 years to be considered “around” otherwise your “asquare”
Glad to see you’re still around!

They make blueprint strings right?
Those have totally dried up. I can’t find them anywhere.
Last I heard Brandon Vu was sponsored by them, but that was a while ago.

Like I said, I have tried a prototype that they made recently. So they’re still making yo-yo’s, I just don’t know if they’re going to really be on the marketing money-making side of the yo-yo industry.

I was a different weight too, wasn’t it? Or was that just the result of polishing the rims down? I know the JP was 67+ grams which is why I didn’t want the JPX which was 65+ grams. Doesn’t change the fact that I would love to see Werrd back in the market of selling yoyos, but we can only wait and see, I guess.

Yes, the couple of grams difference was because of the polished rims.

Ah, thanks for the clarification, GK.

I hear you. But as far is I’m concerned, they’re making yoyos about as much as my grandmother is making yoyos unless it’s a real release I’m able to get my hands on.

You’re Grandma makes yoyos? Sweet!

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