Welp, I have some news

*SuperWideAngle has left the chat… jk I have too many friends here. But I don’t really throw anymore


I will be leaving the fourm a for a long time I’m afraid, I will be checking on things everyone in a while, but you will rarely see me post any more. So, I will take my leave leaving a joke behind for Valentine’s Day (which was yesterday) What you you get when you eat too many heart cookies? Love Sick


what do you get??

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There’s a little blurry spoiler thing you can click. It’s after the question, and hard to see.


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But why tho?

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First @ZaYoBoy, and now you!? Nooooo

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I honesty think I might stay to the fourm. But I’ve moved on from yoyo

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I only throw maybe once every week for about 1 hour aka not as much as I used to

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Well at least you still throw.

Yeah. I think I’m gonna Chang the thread title

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Nothing wrong with taking a break or scaling back once in a while. Chances are, you’ll get the itch to get back into it after some time off😁


Whenever this happens to me I just get a new yoyo and the love comes back :joy:


Have a good time. Glad you enjoyed your time with us cool kids.

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I’m kinda just chillin’

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Press the little blurry area at the end of the post.