Walking the dog on linoleum

I used to be able to walk the dog pretty well. Now, I’m stuck with either linoleum or carpet on which to try this trick. When I try it on linoleum, the yo-yo hops instead of walking. Have any of you experienced this problem, or maybe have some ideas on how to get around it?

I don’t know exactly what linoleum is but I am assuming it is a hard surface. On any hard surfaces that will happen and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Linoleum is thin vinyl sheeting that’s used on kitchen and bathroom floors; a somewhat soft surface put on top of a hard surface.

But still it has to be more like carpet to do walk the dog.

smooth carpet would be the best option to walk your dog in my opinion.


just do it on carpet and I have on idea what linoleum is :stuck_out_tongue: so yah, carpet, have funthrowing ;D