made it up this morning
tutorial added
Great trick bro
That slack… Is so awesome…
wow thanks guys ;D
super great trick, could you make a tutorial
I was so prepared to come in and totally call out a kid for trying to be cool with an unsmooth lame trick. And I now am going to do quite the opposite.
That impressed the hay out of me. Really smooth, pretty original concepts there. Really nice flowy style.
I liked it.
Good stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
thanks everyone i’ll try to post a tutorial this weekend or week
I was so prepared to come in and totally call out a kid for trying to be cool with an unsmooth lame trick. And I now am going to do quite the opposite.
That impressed the hay out of me. Really smooth, pretty original concepts there. Really nice flowy style.
I liked it.
Good stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
I had the same feeling. The only comment I have is that it was a little long for my taste, but I suppose that’s just a preference thing.
I had the same feeling. The only comment I have is that it was a little long for my taste, but I suppose that’s just a preference thing.
ya I’m working on the tutorial now and I realized that it’s a bit long I’m still doing the whole trick I should have the tutorial up today or tomorrow night