Updn orange is live


Hello! I am super excited to announce that updn’s first yoyo, The Orange, has finally been officially released! It is a HUGE yoyo, approximately the shape and size of a large orange.

It makes you think differently, do different tricks than you normally would, and the presence of it makes you think differently about your other ‘regular’ sized yoyos.

I’ve been working on this for years, I have a background in yo-yoing for about 20 years now including worlds 2nd place finish, so I tested the heck out of these things and would like to be very clear that this thing is not just a novelty, it’s really good. As many at worlds said “surprisingly good”.

This is the first major launch, so if you have any questions feel free to reach out on instagram (@updnyoyo) or email me at andrew@updnyoyo.com

Thank you all, excited to get these out!


“Surprisingly good” is a strong endorsement. That’s how I was sold on this. I asked folks at club “you play the orange at worlds” and that was generally the response


Also will there be other interesting launches like this or is this a one off. Excited for the future of there are


I have a lot planned! All weird!


the interaction with security was hilarious

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So rad.

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Awesome! Can’t wait

For those wondering, you can put the sticker it comes with on the other side and make it look even more like an Orange. No vibe induction.


Okay so I do have the slightest nit pick. I worked as a grocery cashier for so long as a teen that I vividly remember many of the plu codes 4011 bananas. 4055 are tangerines technically…4012 are large naval oranges…

I’ll get over it because close enough but it’s in my brain lol


This makes it even better, like an Easter Egg now


It only means if Andrew continues the citrus line I expect the tangerine to be 4012 as a jab :slight_smile:

I also expect the citrus line to have a nipple based throw that’s 4033 :wink:

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I’m excited for the Lil’ Cutie version


I’m waiting for the Pomelo!


Wow! That was my first response to seeing the orange in person. Followed by throwing it and giggling cause it’s slow and majestic.

It’s too late and my dumb back is too grouchy with me today to do more but this is gonna be fun I can tell.

Can’t wait to let folks toss it around at club tomorrow.


Also yall see Aliyah Tan’s 3A insta story with two of these things? It’s awesome.


The orange was a hit at club. I’ll post video later


Where are these available?

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DM’d the link

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Got a raw Orange on its way! So excited to have a hobby budget again. Looking forward to playing with this comically huge thing, it’ll be a blast for sure.

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