Unboxing Vids - what kinds of things have you seen "unboxed" on Youtube?

For me, it has been…

  • decks of playing cards

  • now, yoyos

What have you seen? What did you like or dislike about them?

Most of the ones I e seen were pretty pointless, unless they included some kind of a review or comparison.

Knives, yoyos, cards, almost anything lol.

I’ve seen boxes unboxed

None of these comments are funny.

Good thing I’m not trying to be funny isn’t it hun?

That comment doesn’t make you cool.

Yoyo unboxings are useless.

And you don’t have enough rep to insult people on here.

Honesty at its finest.

I’ve always liked sniffy’s unboxing videos mainly because he also gives first impressions and thoughts on what play will be like. So it’s cool to see how his opinions change when he does the final review.

I’ve never understood unboxing vids. Why do people like them?