UK yoyoers

Hi All. I’ve just started yoyoing and have tried searching the web but it doesn’t seem like yo-yo has taken off in UK? Unless I’m looking in the wrong places but there’s just nothing happening? No forums, not meet ups, clubs, physical shops etc. YYF have a UK website which I recently bought a Velocity from, but that’s the only brand I can find. Are there any UK pros or people to follow on Instagram or something?

I’ve come across 3 online shops I think, all selling more or less the same things, YYF and Magic Yoyo. Painful!

Andy Jones
Jordan Blofield
Elliot Ding
are the ones I am aware of

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UK here too. I’m new to the yo-yo world, seems like the peak of the party was in the 80s-late 90s.
I mean the party is still rocking and you’ll not find a nicer and enthusiastic group online.
Dont know if it could blow up again to the world domination as back then so you have to be selective.
Edit: plus global pandemic indiscriminately destroyed social gatherings

Search for BYYA on Facebook groups.
(British YoYo Association)

Also we have a discord server.

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Thanks I’ve joined!

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Wales :slight_smile:

Cymru am byth!


Learned something lol


I’m on the isle of man all by myself I think!!!

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Sorry wrong tag!!

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