Turbo Bumble Bee Question

I have 2 turbo Bumble Bee’s. 1 is from my childhood and 1 I bought. They are both by playmaxx but 1 says Koosh Proyo. They seem I pretty much identical other than that. My question, what makes them different? Is one of them just an earlier version or was it a store exclusive type thing? I tried looking online but couldn’t find any real answers.


Before being bought by Duncan, Playmaxx/ProYo was owned by Tom Van Dan Elzen and Hans “YoHans” Van Dan (his son) and had a distribution deal with companies such as Hasbro, Koosh, and TCL.


Hi, thanks for the help. I actually knew about that but wondered why they were both playmaxx but one has both names.

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Are there Hasbro and TCL labeled pogs out there?


If you’re talking about the letter on the jet pack, I think its just a standard print in the factory and not worth the cost to not use just same bee graphic… Maybe… just an idea

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