Trouble accessing Offset website

Hey everyone, I got an Email from @brandonvu Vu at Offset announcing the release of the plastic cheat code, which looks super cool. When I clicked the link to his website, It kept saying the site was not trusted and communication was not private. Never happened to me before on this website and I tried using another link from one of his YouTube videos, with the same result. Anyone else experiencing this issue?

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Yup. Looks like an issue with their SSL certificate. This hasn’t happened in the past, so something must have happened. I’m sure someone else already has, but I contacted Brandon to let him know.


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds like someone forgot, Or didn’t know how, To renew a cert

Yep they forgot to renew cert is my bet.

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You would be surprised how long something like that can be ignored or not realized. Good on you for letting brandon know.

Personally been there done that. I’ve absolutely forgot an important cert renewal and caused an outage.

Usually when this happens your browser gives you the option of going there anyway.

Looks like it’s been resolved.

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