Tricks that manipulate the yoyo?

I just got a Starlite, and I must say I love playing in the dark with this thing, but I realized one problem. The tricks I know manipulate the string more than the yoyo, like slacks, whips, and picture tricks, and you can’t see my string. What are you guys’ favorite tricks that throw around the yoyo more?

It’s funny you mention that today’s tricks revolve more around the string than movement of the yoyo itself- I remember watching a yoyo documentary a few months ago where Mark Mcbride was being interviewed. He said that he was talking with the first(?) national(or world?) yoyo champion, and said something along the lines of “Yoyoing has come a long way dont you think?” The champion replied “In my day, we played with the yoyo, not the string!”

A UV light bulb will make any neon coloured string (as well as the Starlite) glow amazingly.


You can also use the blue from a TV with no channel to achieve the same effect.

Did not know that. Will have to give it a try later =)


Ilike how everyone is just commenting on his statements and not answering his question, which was the while pont of the thread xD but my fav is eli hops

The black light comment helped, I am going to try that, but yeah, no one really answered my question.

Gyro flop boingy boing and seasick are all very yoyo oriented

Which you also did so you are on to talk.

Eli hops, seasick, boingy boing, gyro flops, anything that causes the yoyo to spin in ways such as Jason Lee’s figure 8s.

idk what ur talking about, read my comment again u missed the last part… hehe :wink:

Around the world 8)

Or just get a glow in the dark string. Twisted Stringz makes a doozy.

« Last Edit: Today at 09:29:18 PM by andy569 »
Which is after my post was made.

Pop-n-Fresh, B-E-B, seasick, maybe Mach 5, Gyroscopic Flop, Eli hops, Black Hops, and Bucket Hops.

Thanks or the feedback guys! I’m glowyoing right now (I think i have an addiction) and learned a few recommended tricks. I officially have developed a few glowyo combos.

Walk the dog can manipulate the look of your yoyo.
4A is basically a style that’s mostly on the yoyo and not much on the string…

4A in the dark? Sounds dangerous…

I would recommend glow in the dark string it’s great :slight_smile: and I you know how to make strings most sewing/fabric places glow in the dark thread!

In 5a stuff like beesting, one hand pinwheel, grind meltdown and ect

In 1a stuff like tether, chopstick gyro, gyroultion, any green triangle, any grinds.