Personally, the trick selection so far has been varied and has pushed me outside my comfort zone without being daunting. I have seen an improvement in my general ability and attribute it to this. I am a very slow learner so can’t necessarily get everything smooth in the week but I am learning new tricks and having fun which is the most important thing.
Thank you guys for all the effort you are putting in! Can’t wait to see what you’ve cooked up for us on Friday.
I’ll agree 100% trick selection is very challenging and you guys are doing a great job. So far every week has been new to me and has pushed me to try and learn something new. Wish i could post videos as smooth as id like but life gets in the way so thank you for picking tricks that are challenging and doable at the same time.
And yes thank you @Rhythm162 your tutorials are awesome!
This pancake is very cool but i can’t get that first chopstick (or whatever is called in the beginning) and to get that whip to follow the yoyo is another brain buster for me. But i have landed it successfully números times i just have a painful pause between every step.
just wanted to say I’m super stoked to hear ppl are having fun so far! as Charlie said, pls let us know if you have any suggestions and as awesome as it is to hear what we’re doing right, pls don’t hesitate to say/reach out if you feel there’s anything we could improve. it’s been awesome seeing everyone crush it and I’m especially excited to hear ppl are pushing outside comfort zones and learning. id have to say that is the core mission of this thread🤙
So far I’ve previously learned each of the weeks’ tricks. Let’s see how long that streak will last. That’s ok though my goal is to post each week working the trick into a longer combo and to work on my consistency.
Here’s this week take, working three of the tricks from past weeks into the combo.
Ayy thanks man It makes me happy hearing that! And yeah man it’s a weird trick for sure, it took me a hot minute to get it all naturally so don’t feel bad over it! You got this man
Be patient with this one. Quick tip up front, as you’re setting up the mount, make sure the yo is pretty close to your nth. The more centered in the mount it is, the harder it is to get a good slack loop. Also dont pull too hard or the wraps can set it into a gyroscopic flop.
Having the tricks look smooth and good on camera definitely isn’t necessary. Like no need to record anything if you don’t want too, but I do think seeing yourself in playback can be really helpful. I just think that mentality can lead to never posting ever and posting does help encourage other ppl and can be cool to look back on. Personally, I’m never totally happy with anything I post bc i look at ppl that have been playing for 15 years and can see how far I would like to progress. Fwiw here is the first TaW vid I posted ever (it’s very ugly)
I def don’t mean to call you out and def think it’s totally fine if you, or anyone, never posts vids. Its dope that you’re excited about playing yoyo and having fun so that’s super awesome lol, just wanted to share some thoughts.
I’ll get some recorded today. Youre right, it is helpful to see on camera. I move my upper body around way too much and didn’t realize that until watching myself
I followed TaW for almost a year before I started posting videos, but I’m glad I did because no matter how janky the the trick looks, I’m still able to go back and see my progress as time goes on, which is very encouraging to me as most days I think my throwing skills are wack.
I will no longer be able to follow ya. I was accepted as an ambassador for a competitor shop and once I receive my ambassador package, I will not be allowed to post reels promoting another store. I will still be active in the forums though!!!