Trick-a-Week 2025- #11 Spirit Bomb

this might be a slightly less complex mount to start from if you wanna give it a shot. it is fundamentally the same as they’re both tension tricks


Can you post or send a video of your attempts on the undercut version? Might be able to help from there.

This was helpful for me…


Got there in the end


Week 1 (Slash Gerbil)
At first it felt like a newborn giraffe standing for the first time looks.


Week 2 (Supercharger)
I still can’t figure out how to get set up for that last whip without fiddling my NTH around after the catch/before the whip.


I managed to find some time to film it at last!!!


Hi Jordannnn!!! I get to see you here too! Yay! :partying_face:


Hi! I was psyched to see you here also. Not sure I’ll have the skill or time to keep it up, but these looked doable.


I feel like I’m making progress but i still have never landed this last whip. Can anyone see what I’m doing wrong now? Maybe I’m just not lined up… i think I’m making the slack correctly


That whip took me forever to get working at all and as I mentioned I still can’t get my hand into the position to do it smoothly from the catch before it. The Diego video is just about that whip, so that might help. Nothing helped me tbh beyond just trying it way too many times and asking several people to look at what I was doing to give me advice.

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yo i think you’re right there! honestly it all looks good formatiom-wise, you’re right. to me it just looks like you’re hopping the yoyo slightly to your left instead of straight up. i feel like if you can hop it straight up, you’ll be able to catch it much better

edit: also just noticed, on most of your attempts your th doesn’t move hardly at all. it usually helps to pull back and towards you with your th like ur pulling a ripcord to accelerate the whip around and open it up slightly. not sure if the pinch technique changes this aspect, though. keep at it, ur so close yo!

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Thanks man! I’ve landed it thrice now. I can do this. Hopefully I’ll get it together tonight and get my homework in on time before tmrw lol


Yeah just want to reiterate what thomas said, it’s the moving of th away from nth that controls the speed of the whip. You make the slack get shorter and it goes faster. Sometimes if you dont have quite enough speed behind the slack to catch the yoyo, you can bend your knees and move down with it and that can give you the tiny bit of extra time needed.


Week 3 - Takeshi Bounce

This week is really just about a single element that shows up somewhat regularly in combos.

As you speed it up, this element is a lot about the timing of releasing the pinch with your NTH. It definitely takes a bit of practice to get right, but seeing the slack whip around is really satisfying.

If you already know the element and want something additional, I’d look at trying to smooth out the transition out of the bounce because it can be really choppy (especially if you want to change direction after), or take a look at this variation from yoyowen where the slack whips around twice.

As always, if you’re having trouble post in the thread and we’ll do our best to help!


Here’s my take (in part of a combo I’ve been trying to get down)


dude, nice combo! that last little element is smooth af

here’s my go


Ayy thank you guys again for having my tut on here, I hope it helps everyone out!


I found @hobbygod tutorial and I think I understand it better:

Seems to be the same trick, right?