A little help please!
I keep getting extra wraps at the end. I’m not sure at which stage I’m doing something wrong. This trick has a lot of finger pointing and loops and swoops and what have you
A little help please!
I keep getting extra wraps at the end. I’m not sure at which stage I’m doing something wrong. This trick has a lot of finger pointing and loops and swoops and what have you
This is an easy fix so when you get to the part where nth is pointed in and th is pointed away and then you go up and into the kamikaze mount but th is inverted, instead of sending the yoyo up on the inside towards yourself, send it up and to the outside to mount for the kamikaze looking mount.
Kinda learned this one from a past year, but I never polished it up. I’m glad I did. I see why this is a well loved trick. Didn’t feel right to combo over this one.
Yoyo: OneDrop 54 gen 2
Awesome thanks henry! Really appreciate the help
Thanks for pointing it out, didn’t notice it when making the video.
I think i got this right. I kind of like @GTDropKnot philosophy about classic tricks. So these little details hurt my brain but i do like to try and execute them correctly. Once learned I’m totally down with remixing however is clever. So far all 10 tricks are new to me and i hope to smooth them out further as the year progresses.
This one is tougher than I thought it would be. After the pinch with the thumb there is a twist on the nth fingers before the roll over the hand that I didn’t see at first and took me awhile to figure out.
I have a couple of questions about the rethinkyoyo tutorial. Throughout the trick he’s using the index and middle finger on the nth. Why not just use the index finger?
At the end of the trick, I think he says perform a “hug” to exit the trick. Is there a tutorial on this? I can do the final unroll inside the arms like in the sleeper tutorial, but I can’t figure out how to get it to pass over the th.
Im not sure exactly why they did it that way…maybe to open up a tiny bit more space but I’m really not sure. Just do whatever is the most comfortable for you.
It is the same thing but you twist the nth index the opposite direction.
Here’s a vid
Thank you for the video! That makes total sense now. I kept rewatching the tutorial in slow motion trying to figure it out.
I was thinking the two fingers was just for some more space, but I wasn’t sure if it had something to do with the final unroll or not.
i wonder if this is a good trick to practice sticking the extra finger in anyway. this trick works either way, but thinking about it as a single element, other tricks will require extra fingers in a trap to work. thinking most recently about your funky giraffe i dunno, I’m just rambling thoughts. i thought back to something Diego B said in one of his videos on tech
TaW 2025 Week 10 - Lotus Bloom
It’s so nice to be able to throw outside again!
Thanks this is what i needed too that last bit has me scratching my head
Edit: i don’t want to triple post so I’ll just drop this here. It might not seem like it but i feel like im getting better.
So clean dude nice job!
Week 10 - Lotus bloom
This trick was a great choice, really fun!
Bring on week 11
Happy Friday gang! Hope you all had epic weeks! Sorry for the late post this morning, we had a minor miscommunication.
Spirit Bomb
So we’ve decided to continue the theme of classics for the month culminating in Rancid Milk at the end of the month. Classic tricks have elements that are always broadly applicable plus YOYO LORE!! Rancid Milk is certainly more difficult so we wanted to let ppl start working on it now if they desired, so while primary focus will remain on whatever current trick for the week, don’t hesitate to reach out for help with the milk.
Spirit Bomb is a classic wrist mount trick that has kwyjibo type hops and is an entry point to learning the trick Superman.
Fun fact: Spirit Bomb was created by Jeff Longoria and is named for the character Goku’s signature move from the anime Dragon Ball Z!
Fun variation
Also had to include our own @edhaponik gettin funky with his spin
i like @DocPop cheese whip as a fun entry to wrist mount
Wow! I can’t believe you picked spirit bomb. I have been working on this trick the last couple of days while waiting for the next TaW to come out.
awesome! hows it coming?