without seeing yall do it, conceptually i can only imagine that happening in the first part where you bring the strings closer together and roll over. maybe pay special attention to that part. bring the strings together but don’t pinch them as in restricting their movement. also when you roll out to your nth side, the yo should pass behind the two strings coming from your nth as you roll. maybe during that roll yall are picking up an extra loop from somewhere
I’ll film a few fails tonight so we can dissect it.
I usually watch my stuff and delete all fails right away so they don’t effect my ego.
Here is all the steps and like a simpler triangle. Y’all want to be certain all the beginning steps are good like make sure the uncurl is pointed towards the inside, roll around nth sends the yoyo in front of everything and then mount the string coming off th yoyo finger from the back. If that stuff is good you can drop the slack to the front immediately and then can drop for a gt. Just to double check everything is good early. If it’s just the last slack, then either the drop is going in the wrong place or the slack isn’t passing all the way around from the back to the front or something weird got injected. The string is prone to injecting around bc its pinched and in a mount so try to keep tension between the hands and the slack away
Here is another tutorial for this simplified version from Diego B. It might help someone. This is the same triangle in trick but the version we are learning drops the slack to the back then moves it around into the front to this version.
Injection! This is exactly what happens every time (except the 30% i actually land clean) ! I think I’m good except i must be sloppy… obviously. Thank you!
I was having trouble with the drop as well. I kept dropping into a knotted mess. I think what was happening for me was mounting it on the string from the back on th finger. If I stop and just pop it up on the string the wrap is on the wrong side of the yo and doesn’t work. When I do it with one fluid motion it works.
At least I think that’s what it was. Once I focused on that part i started landing it.
TaW 2025 Week 9 - Bao Duy Slack Triangle
I recognize that yoyo!
I thought you would! It’s my current favorite.
Week 10 Lotus Bloom
Happy Friday yall! This week we’re going classic with Lotus Bloom. Since it’s an older trick, some of you probably already know it, so let’s see you put some stank on it!
Have a great Friday and an awesome weekend folks!
original by rethinkyoyo
Well played sir! Smooth as silk!
Nice pick. Nice bind!
The final unroll in the sleeper tutorial is not correct. Yoyo should unroll and pass over TH but sleeper teaches has the yoyo unroll and stay on the inside of the arms. Not a huge difference, but it is a bit more than simply different execution. It’s nice when teaching older trick with names like this one, to show the original trick IMO. Otherwise history is getting rewritten and yoyo history is already pretty murky. Plus the way that Andrew Robinson’s original unrolls is cool and fun. If it was a participant I would most likely let it be; because it is a tutorial teaching the trick, I felt like I should say something.
Great choice!!!
TBH I’m not sure I ever realized that about the unroll. Glad to know it now because doing it that way makes going into a brother slack way easier.
Yeah it is a little thing hah I was being a trick nerd
yea interesting. i did actually notice it but for me it felt more comfortable going into the grind from the inside. i can see that facilitating that brother slack though, very neat. thanks for pointing that out @GTDropKnot love these discussion points