Trick-a-Week 2025- #11 Spirit Bomb

Did you watch the slowmo? I think it forms a brief second. No?

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Re watching other submissions…

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Omg you are right.

My hoodie colour tricked my eyes. Thought there was a gt there. Will work on it again tomorrow. Thanks!!!


I didnt see that like to me it looks like you sent the yoyo up and behind the top string.

Edit: okay cool same time message lol glad you see it now

Probably my hoodie laces fooled me. You are right. This is exactly what I was doing.

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What do you mean behind the string? This is what you are supposed to do after hitting the top string… Right?

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Yes when you fall back down, but it looks like you didnt hit the top string. Usually the yoyo thunks into the top string and you can see the upside down gt.


I noticed that you gently flick the throw hand index to release the string. I did not do that! I just rolled the yoyo and dropped it. Seems pretty straightforward. I ll try again tomorrow. Thanks Sensei!!!


No problem yo and hit up the thread if it still isnt clicking. The way i think abt it is like i just spread my hands apart to send the yoyo up like hands just go apart and everything should stay lined up good. And then th moves forward so the yoyo misses on the way down.

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Will keep you posted tomorrow man. Thanks for pointing it out.

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I’ve been working on the triangle myself. i got this from Charlie to isolate that part


I can already do this one. It has been a long while though…Just another one of those I learned when starting to throw. Erased from memory…


gonna work on continuing to exaggerate the triangle but i wanted to get something recorded


Corrected my GT:


TaW 2025 Week 8 - Pancake Flip

Thanks again for the caps @AudreySickburn!


Been busy the last few weeks but here they are. I learned and recorded in like 10 minutes so forgive me if it’s not the smoothest.

@Splizacular do the tricks get any harder or are they all about this level?


Super sick that you got em back to back :call_me_hand:t3:


they’ll vary in difficulty but we are trying to keep them at an accessible level so we can include as many ppl as possible. that’s why we try to include harder variations where possible as well as encouraging ppl to fit the trick into a combo to tweak the difficulty


Yall are doing great yo! Just wanna give some props for keeping it alive and keeping participation up. Picking tricks can be super difficult…threading the needle to make sure a trick is cool and also at an accessible difficulty is hard so yall are crushing it. Keep up the good work


Couple of things on trick selection for anyone curious:

  1. If you have suggestions, send them to Thomas and myself! They’re super helpful.
  2. Takeshi Bounce (week 3) is probably the hardest we’ll do.
  3. Usually, I try to pick tricks where the difficulty isn’t solely in landing an element, just because those tricks can be the most frustrating. Instead, I try to err towards tricks where there’s either a more difficult variation or part of the challenge is making the trick smooth. That way it’s approachable / valuable for a wide range of skills.
  4. We’re not picking tricks from last year, and trying to be selective about which ones we repeat from 2023. If it’s a repeat, it’s likely either a banger or a classic.
  5. We’re shooting for a diversity of creators, but that one is tough at times alongside the above notes. On this front, big shoutout to @Rhythm162 who has been making extra tutorials for the tricks we’re doing, which lets us pick tricks where the original tutorial isn’t necessarily as clear as we’d like.