Trick-a-Week 2024—#43 Yuuki Slack

Yeah that just helps avoid pushing the string into the wall too much. I think atleast I’m not exactly sure lol but doing it like that definitely does help the string to not reject.

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Hmmm I’m not exactly sure why this would happen but I’ll play around with it in a bit and see if I can think of anything. I would double to the pov to check and make sure the steps are correct.

So it really helps to pay attention to where the string is on the hands, because after you reject the string, it will make a straight line between those two points. It also helps to make sure you’re giving the Yoyo a lot of movement upwards. This just helps give a bit more time for the string to move around and back under the Yoyo and also kind of spot the landing a bit. Knowing where you want your hands positioned in relationship to the Yoyo after the rejection helps so just keep an eye on that.

Also I’m really glad you’re finding the thread helpful!!! Very cool to hear!

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this happened to me several times. i didn’t quite get what was happening before it stopped happening but i had it down to there seems to be a way to pop the yoyo such that it flips or turns and adds that extra wrap. if the movement is clean as it passes over the strings that stops. it happened to me most when i woould miss and try again on the smame throw but not on fresh throws, it was weird. gl!


@MuppetLabs @Splizacular yo I made this video to try to point out the things I was talking about earlier.

You can see how I kind of wrap nth index around the string before rolling the Yoyo around to the back and then I pointed out over dramatically how to drop that string off the finger. When you do the trick you can speed that up and drop the string right away so it looks like one smooth movement.

I also was trying to point out the string segments on the index fingers. Before the rejection, the Yoyo is kind of held further back, but once the string rejects, it will straighten between those points on the index fingers, so try to aim so that the Yoyo will land between those points. Also notice how far up the Yoyo goes, that helps make sure the string has enough time to go around and under the Yoyo.

Hopefully this helps and I’m sorry there’s so much dead time in the video. I can only make one segment of it in slowmo and took too long trying to point out the string on the index fingers. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense or the elements aren’t clicking with y’all and I can see if there’s another way to try to explain this or try to make some better videos or something.


@GTDropKnot tried to put some stank on the end of it too


Thanks, Henry. Incredibly helpful as usual! I need that slowmo that’s really slow. :laughing:

I see what I was doing wrong on the roll back,. I was twisting my NTH finger under that string because I didn’t want the extra wrap on my finger, but that made it just wrap around the axle instead. So that’s solved.

What’s happening with the rejected string makes sense now, too. I didn’t get how it was actually flying over the top and ending up between the index fingers. Got to practice a bit more, but I understand it now.


This is a really fun trick, and it gives me ladder escape vibes.


TAW #32 - Basic Tech Combo

I really wanted to incorporate @rickyyR’s Snagbar into this, but I’m not quite there yet…


Sorry for the commercial in the background, I forgot to edit that out :crazy_face:


dope trick! but now i feel like i need a new bed…:thinking::grin::crazy_face:


Sorry, I forgot to disclose that I’m employed by Sleep Number… JK :joy:


Same trick, different ending, 100% ad free :metal:


As cool as the other side of the pillow! @Ironical_Monocle1


Anyone have any tips for string rejection part? I’m getting tired of rage quiting this trick…

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What is your issue exactly? Like getting the string to reject or landing back on the string? To get it to reject you kinda just swing it forward and up. It’s almost like a rejection assisted hop.

Check out the vid I made around post 503 and see what I wrote there about that element but yeah lemme know wassup and I’ll see if I can think of anything else.

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It’s mainly the rejection itself… I’ve been grinding away on it today and I think my problem is that I haven’t been flicking my wrists enough to get the slack to swing around fast enough. Rejection assisted hop is a great way to describe it, I think I expecting a rejection where the string really whips around on it’s own… I’ve been rejecting out the back, I’ll try the foward hop… thanks as always for the fast response!

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Np yeah so send the Yoyo up a bit higher and that’ll help give more time for the string to come around so you can land back on it! Good luck! Let us know if you’re still having trouble

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Yup, I’ve been doing it wrong :rofl: I’ve been rejecting from the back and not the front… :expressionless:


Dang when you said rejecting out the back I thought you meant like the string goes out the back ooops well glad you figured it out ! :sweat_smile:

There is a part in the tutorial where he said to reject from the back, so I thought he meant the yoyo and not the string… ooops :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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