Trick-a-Week 2024—#41 Boing-E-Boing plus variations

I’m on my way out of town right now. I can try to film something later this evening if no one else films by then.

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I’ll try to put something together this morning, though it might be more of a write up - I’m mid moving so I don’t really have places I can put a camera!


Week 16 - Waya combo… 15

It’s an under mount trick with some light chopsticks. Not terribly complicated, but can be tricky.

Step 2 was a little tough for me at first. I found keeping my NTH pinky/ring/middle fingers curled stopped me from accidentally pulling the strings too tight/making the yoyo hit my fingers. It also kept them out of the way for the slack.


Here’s my take - bad background, but my usual filming spots are all boxes. Yay moving! Going to see if I can get this to flow out of the end of titanium chopsticks by the end of the week.


I got u with the pov bro


I won’t be able to get a top down, but here’s something:

Jk, here’s a super janky top down using the handle of my air fryer.


  1. When you’re in a wrist mount, put your finger in the big open part and pass it under the yo-yo. You’re now in a pretty standard configuration/ where you would be in spirit bomb before the hop.
  2. Bring your NTH finger back towards your throw hand, pushing against the string coming directly up from the yoyo, pull it under the yoyo between you and the rest of the strings. This is where the bounce happens.
  3. While you come out of the bounce to the same position, hook that string you passed under the configuration. This is the one coming directly off the yoyo. Pull the string away from your TH. From the front the configuration looks similar to where you were in step 1, but it’s not. You’re hooking the string segment coming directly off the yo-yo and making them cross.
  4. I find this step easiest if you pinch with your NTH and toss the yoyo up so it hits the string coming off your TH thumb. After hitting that string and it carrying over, you’ll need to unwrap your NTH index once.
  5. This is the hop where you grab a string with your NTH thumb. You want the segment coming from your TH pinky side.
  6. With your TH pinch the close side of the loop on your NTH index finger.
  7. Release your NTH thumb and tilt your TH down so the string around the wrist slides down. Should reveal the tower.

This pov is way better than my air fryer attempt but I’m leaving it in because it’s hilarious to me


Thank you guys so much @rickyyR and @digitalcharlie! :heart:


I bought a cheap head mount for my phone from amazon. My only problem with it is that the lens is not exactly in the middle, orherwise its sick


Thanks for tuts, everyone!


Edit: ooops! Ngl I was a little tipsy when I learned this and I totally did this wrong hah! Will update with the trick but correctly later.


I’m lacking behind. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Week 8

Week 13


Honestly love that it’s basically the inverse.


Anymore tips for the dog tower? I can get through everything but the tower formation. When you guys do it, it looks like the slack quickly flies around the TH to form the tower, but all I get are limp, sad knots…

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Try building tension (by pulling your hands apart) while holding the string with your thumb and flick it with the back of your hand after releasing your thumb


Week 15

If you don’t hit the top string during the pop, the tower will be different and have an extra twist between the legs.


Yo were you able to figure this out? Make sure you’re able to get the tower to form slowly so you know everything else before then is correct. To get the tower to pop it’s just combining the steps and the note about tension rickyyR gave was good. The only thing I can add is that if you hit the gap with the slack it will likely snag bc it gets to be a lot of wraps around the bearing, that could be what’s happening when you try to speed it up maybe. just something to be aware of

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I’m slowly getting there, I’ve been able to form the tower a few times, but I’m not very consistent. I think what you mentioned about the slack hitting the gap is happening to me, I don’t think the loop from my NTH thumb is whipping around enough and getting caught in the yoyo. Building tension has definitely helped though… Thanks for checking in on me!


Yo how the freak do I do this last slack? I can get through the chopsticks setup fine and can just like laser beam the slack around super fast to land in a similar mount, but I can’t figure out how to get the slick pinch right. :face_exhaling: what is the like sequence of finger stuff I need to do exactly and do you have any other tips?

For me its like doing follows. You have to move your hand around the yoyo and pinch late. I will try to record a slowmo later.