Trick-a-Week 2024—#41 Boing-E-Boing plus variations

No I have to work for it. Usually takes more takes than I want to admit to film and plenty of practice before to get it smooth enough for me to want to post. I just don’t have a bubbly personality so that is what you are seeing.


Can some break down the very first chopsticks part for me? I’m trying to participate for the first time I can’t even figure out that first part. Sometimes being a left makes learning tricks a lil harder for me


Yes absolutely! I’m very happy to see anyone trying the tricks! So try this—throw a trapeze, then wrap the string around dom hand by moving the hand in front and around then string. Then spread the fingers apart into a nice chopsticks C shape with the string closer to the tips of the fingers. Then just bounce back and forth from trapeze to that to get the feel. Once you have the Yoyo landed in the chopsticks, you can roll over throw hand into a trapeze, or if you keep the wrist in you can roll onto the back string and boom wrist mount.

I encourage everyone to try the chopsticks element from a trapeze first and work up to landing the Yoyo into the chopsticks off the throw. Another middle step would be to add a pin wheel or two to allow extra time to set up the string wrap for the chopsticks element.

Also I think I’m going to add this note to the main post but you can replace “YouTube” with “mirrorthevideo” in the YouTube url and it will mirror the video so that it looks like it’s made for lefties. I’ll do that here so you can check it out.


Aww bro thank you that video was exactly what I needed! I’m on way! Thanks for the breakdown as well really helped


editing this, here’s some taws i never posted:

Yuki Combo

Stuft Crust

Flow Boaty

3D GT Tech Thingy

Tsunami Bomb



Trying to play catch up, here’s week 8 (wrist mount entry and Dragonball GT). This trick has been my nemesis for the last month and I actually surprised myself when I landed it. Thanks again to everyone for their help, it was really appreciated. On to week 9!


Week 13—Paper Rolling ( ペーパーローリング )

Hello! This weeks trick is a very cool trick with some interesting mechanics to work on. The trick is by Hiro Irifune (Roan) of team yoyorecreation. The move where you carry the slack around for one rotation and hook the yoyo can be a little funky at first. If anyone is getting stuck, let me know and there are ways to break down that element into more manageable pieces. Good luck and have fun!


Semi off topic but I had trouble deciding what the translated name should be and asked a friend who informed me that paper rolling is associated with paper yo-yos aka these things, which makes sense with the trick.


Yes please Henry, clearly I am no good at hooks, I got only the hidemasa one down. If you have any way to break it down it will help a lot!


Yah so basically the first step is to do the trick but instead of going around three times after the brother, only go around twice and drop the string on th index just like in the tutorial but you will have one less wrap on th index. It’s important to have the first roll that goes around as far back as possible. The other will set itself up fine without like doing anything but make sure the first roll around th index after the brother starts far back. Once you drop that string, you have the Yoyo hanging with the string wrapped around twice. You want to hop the Yoyo straight up and while the Yoyo is air born, draw a little ? shape. Try not to move your index or the Yoyo forward or backwards, just in the plane that the Yoyo is in. Try not to over think it and just focus on hop and drawing the shape with the finger. You want to time it so that you’re cutting back towards the Yoyo at the moment the Yoyo is at the highest point it will reach, with the index as close to the Yoyo as possible. This will make the string go around and user the Yoyo. Then you can continue the trick from there bc the rest will be the same.

In order to do the trick like in the tut, you just add one more roll around before dropping the string, and when you hop, go under and around and back towards the Yoyo in a full circle. In both versions, it’s the cut towards the Yoyo while the Yoyo is weightless that allows the string to whip under the Yoyo. They feel very very similar but one is the full circle and the index must be moved faster bc you have to move further in the same amount of time. The most important thing to lock in is the timing where you are cutting towards the Yoyo at the right moment. This is like an essay now and I can keep writing lol so why don’t you try that out and let us know how it goes? It’ll prolly save some frustration to feel semi comfortable with 2 wrap version before trying it exactly like in the tut. If this doesn’t make sense let me know and I can try some other filming angles


Thanks man, you are a legend! Great way to break it down and it is helping for sure. Still struggling when I wrap 3 times, but with the 2 wraps version I manage to hook quite consistently. A bit more practice and I will get there :+1:
Thanks again!


I’m getting a late start on TAW and working on Turtle Trick - I think I’m misunderstanding the last part. When you do the cross arm roll out of the double or nothing (~1:26), do you end up in a normal trapeze at 1:28? If so, idk why I’m having so much trouble with the dismount at 1:30. When he does the trick at full speed, this dismount is executed like a directional change that does from side-to-side (~0:11) as opposed to the slower demonstration when he lets the yoyo drop straight down.


Yeah so the last part is definitely funky at first and its kind of hard to explain in words but it starts with a double or nothing and it’s important that the Yoyo rolls around to the outside of throw hand, otherwise you’ll get an extra wrap around the bearing. It sounds like that is what’s happening to you. Should resolve into a trapeze but the momentum is set up cool to get that bounce looking redirect type thing. I can make a vid to try to show it better tomorrow bc it is weird. a bunch of us had a big convo on discord abt it to figure it out. ( Shoutout @theendofcake for getting it right ) I’d make the vid now but I’m like looking at my phone in bed about to put it away and fall asleep in a second.

Also yooo!!! Really glad you decided to check out the thread and tricks!

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Sweet, thanks for confirming I’m not crazy. I realized there was two ways to roll out (either with or without the extra wrap), so I wanted to confirm which was correct before I kept practicing the wrong way. Would love any extra tips you have to share on the final trapeze dismount when you have a chance!

And yeah, this thread is awesome. I’m in the “yoyo for a decade and learn one new trick every couple years club,” but I’ve been dabbling in offstring and 2a recently, and it’s reinvigorated my interesting in learning some fresh 1a as well. :muscle:t2:


backup incoming


quick tutorial, hope this helps


I had the right idea, but just hearing someone explain it out loud helped a ton. Thank you! Now time to smooth everything out and repeat this dismount an unspeakable number of times to make it feel less awkward. :sweat_smile:


Very helpful tutorial, thank you! I struggle with that part too…