I’m selling my Little Confusion in Black and Gold half swap. It’s in mint condition. I’m asking $35 shipped in the CONUS. I’m open to trades. My top wants right now would be a Gates SE Ten or a full sized hubstacked Confusion, but I’m generally interested in responsives and wood. Feel free to make me an offer, or PM me if you have any questions.
I’m not sure why that is, but here are some quick thoughts.
I like the Little Confusion a lot. The reason I’m looking to sell is because my large fingers and the Little Confusion don’t gel well together. Specifically, the thing that I don’t like about it is that I am not physically capable of pinching a single hubstack with two fingers on one side to do a tornado bind, which I loved doing on the full sized hubstacked Confusion that I traded for it.
The Little Confusion addresses my complaint that the Confusion plays a little heavy. It’s less stable because it’s almost the same width as the Confusion but a way smaller diameter, but I feel like less stable is expected from most undersized throws. It’s a blast to toss around. I keep the string way shorter than my other throws and mostly use it as a desk toy for doing pull starts and busting out some very short 0A combos. It stalls well, but you do need to be a bit more accurate than other 0A throws. It regens great and has a good, precise response without feeling too snappy. The finish is the same as it is on the hubstacked Confusion which feels a bit chalky until you realize that it actually makes the throw the best at tape measure in your entire collection.