The magic yoyos are skillfully crafted by dwarves and enchanted by wizards. It is commonly know that the yoyo industry will outsource to other realms and dimensions now.
Maybe they can find me that diamond encrusted, dragon blood lubed, leprechaun bone bearing I’ve been looking for.
If you will look again on those yoyos you can see that all are made by TOP YO + Magic Yo
TOP YO yoyos are really expensive
I’d buy it if it weren’t in such ugly colors.
If it was 14 dollars I’d buy it. I will be able to find one on the BST eventually I guess
It looks very nice. What kind of plastic is it? If it is something exotic it could bump the price up.
I think the colors look pretty cool.
Ehh, I think that translucent plastic, and the engravings look tacky.