Top Shelf - Selloff - Turning point, one drop, YYR - Price drops

F&F please I have been around a long time check my feedback - anything below 50.00 is 6.35 to ship anything above 50.00 shipping is on me. If you don’t like my prices - let’s talk.

First case

Top 4 are the benchmark 16 set - 200.00 not splitting them up, there are a few love marks on them but 50.00 a piece is a steal. - SOLD

YYR - prototype - 100.00 shipped
One drop - SK - Splash - SOLD
One Drop cafe racer - - couple marks SOLD

Bottom half of first case

G2 Valhalla - one mark on the rim - 60.00
Good life valley - 20.00
Turning point - MGB - Mint - 135.00
Turning point - ZIZ - mint - SOLD
Duncan butterfly new run - 5.00 add on only
Turning point - Palpitation ES - SOLD
One drop Terrarian OG - 50.00
Good life DGTZR - 25.00
Turning point - leviathan 8 - SOLD
Turning point - aniliam - magnesium - 380.00
Turning point - counterjet - 75.00
Yoyorecreation- Tone - 105.00
Clyw - Cliff - SOLD
Yoyofactory - essence - 25.00
Turning Point - MSG - 180.00
Turning point - collapsar - 125.00
Turning point - ST Elmo - 45.00 - couple pin pricks
YYR - Toru.99 - 115.00

Duncan case - sell the whole thing for 500.00 including the case itself - sold the butterfly out of it. Willing to split it up for the right price


One of the best dudes you’ll ever deal with. Take a bump!


Hey there… ive been looking for a ziz forever!! I think my buddy chowchow told you i was interested in it. Any chance i can buy it off ya thursday morning? In tapped out from all the TPs i just got but ill get paid thursday morning 8am and ill put it right in your paypal account. If you cant… its cool. Totally understand.


Yes sir…. I’d like that bassacuda blue I believe it’s also in your Duncan case too! Let me know please….maybe the black barracuza too? Set a price…?
Thank you


Bundle for now only - thanks

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Bump my friends - buy you something nice :slight_smile:

Dropped some prices


Bump all
Packages shipped and prices further dropped



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