Top Artistic Players

Already said Rei

Ryan Gee
Noel Kunz
Josh Yee
Adam Brewster

Lapin is rabbit, so I highly doubt thatā€™s his real name. Then again, maybe hippie parents?

In no order:
Nate Sutter
Malcolm Chiu
Mikhail Tulabut
Augie Fash

And probably some I missed.

james reed
Petr Kavka
Drew tetz
Aj Kirk
i like those weird innovation yoyoers cause most of them seem very generic with there performances

I just watched the video of Johnnie DelValleā€™s 03 world tournament.
10 years ago he showed how artistic yoyoing can get.

Anthony Rojas
Guy Wright
Zach Gormley
Isaac Sams

Thatā€™s probably the same thing that almost everyone else said, but those are the first people that came to mind.

Jensen Kimmitt
Charles haycock
Zach gormley
Zach Gustafson
Elliot jackson