Tony North

So the last few days I have been watching a bunch of yoyo videos on YouTube. I’ve watchedsome from sponsored players , from unsponsored and more. I would have to say my favorite person to watch yoyo would now have to be Tony North. This guy is amazing and has such great style.

His tricks aren’t that difficult in all honesty. But his style is very easy to watch and he finds interesting elements from simple mounts and tricks. Makes his tricks look stylish and smooth even though they may not be that difficult.

He’s definitely a fun guy to watch, and great when you need some inspiration.

Would anyone be able to share a few links to his videos here?

Great player!

Search (above) is your friend
Try this:Tony North’s The Turbo Encabulator - Let’s Play Yo-Yo - Ep. 003

Also Google is your friend…

not only a great player but he’s a super down to earth humble guy and his daughter is turning out the same way. Super nice dude if you ever get a chance to meet him don’t pass up on it.

Learned the turbo encabulator the other day. Really neat trick!

Here is his newest video via twitter

Tony rocks!

one of my all time fav style guys 100% if you ever meet him in RL prob one of the coolest in the yoyo world.

Tony is about the smoothest player alive. One of my favourite tricks is his “Bucketception”. If you look in the latter part of my CLYW Round 2 video, I perform Bucketception while Tony is performing Bucketception on my shirt. It’s a Bucketception Inception!

He’s an amazing artistic yoyoer.

I love this forum, I would never find out about these guys if I weren’t browsing YYE.