Tonight on “Behind The Yoyo” 9pm est

So far you’ve done well in the yoyo community, what are some of your biggest regrets?

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Hmm… sometimes I regret not being as active in terms of getting more people to yo-yo. I feel like I could be doing a lot more in terms of school shows and whatnot.


As your origin story illustrates, one individual can only do so much to popularize yo-yo … we need to get a yo-yo emote in Fortnite, honestly. Look at how big Terraria was for the field – the OD Terrarian has had 55, I swear to God, FIFTY FIVE, different colorways released!

I’m thinking about leveraging my computer-y contacts to try to make that Fortnite yo-yo emote happen, if I can.

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It’s a catch 22 in my opinion, sure putting a yoyo emote in fortnite might cause some neat color ways and some novelty sales. But I’m not sure it would bring enough clout with it to boost popularity. Getting Evan Nagao on Good Mythical Morning might be the best plan. That YouTube show grosses millions of views on a weekly basis and has a very dedicated fan base that would easily buy in. They did an episode a couple of years ago, showcasing Zach Gormley. Which no joke got me into yoyoing. So finding ways to partner with social media influencers would definitely provide a boost of new players.

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@ColinBecko pulling back the foliage, if we met at wawa would you be down to kick it and talk yoyo or would you prefer to go unnoticed?

@ColinBecko follow up question, other than what your sponsors provide you with to throw. Do you have an all time favorite yoyo? Maybe one you don’t play with as much anymore but was a pivotal yoyo in your career so far.

Of course I’d want to talk yoyo.

I think the most pivotal yo-yo I’ve used is the Duncan Barracuda. It was pretty much my choice for 3 years… had a really good summer using it in 2015, I won 3 contests in a row on it :slight_smile:


Thanks for the Q&A!
I hope to meet you sometime :raised_hands:t2:

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