Tomorrow night on YoYoRadio - Ann Connolly plus 'Who's That YoYoer?"

It’s our special Valentine’s edition of YoYoRadio. We’re joined by Ann Connolly from YoYoFactory. We’ll talk to her about her recent travels to Europe and beyond.

Plus, we debut a new segment ‘Who’s That YoYoer?,’ we will have a mystery yoyoer on the show at 10:15 pm. AJ Busch will attempt to determine this yoyoers identity based solely on yes or no questions. If AJ gets a ‘no,’ we let listeners ask the yoyoer questions until they get a ‘no.’ If the listener guesses the identity before AJ, they win a prize!

Tomorrow night at 9 pm (EST) on Just click the little ‘Listen Live’ tab on the left side of our page to listen. You can also download old shows on the ‘Show Archive’ tab.

Can we download these through I-Tunes?

Woot, i suggested having Ann on the show 2 weeks ago^-^ can’t wait to hear it tomorrow joe

there’s a yoyo radio?

What channel for California?

Seems to be here:

Tomorrow night at 9 pm (EST) on


or you can listen live off of there facebook page… thats how i listen to it every friday