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Prices include shipping and fees. :grin:

TMBR Baldwin in Maple (I think maybe white ash) with a super sweet inlay. Old style axle system, but still can be unscrewed. - 66$

Spinworthy Harbinger (I think is the model name) in rainbow spectreply - 60$


What’s going on with the pics? The sides look uneven in the profile shots.

How does the old TMBR axle system compare to the new, play wise?

Not sure??? They are definitely even!

The axle system overall doesn’t play different, but the wood type of the yoyo makes a BIG difference. I’ve had four Baldwin’s in Maple, Ash, Walnut, and this one. The rougher woods with more open grain like ash and walnut are more responsive and the smoother woods are less responsive. This particular one is great for string tricks but a hard throw and deliberate tug is needed for a good response. One could easily shorten the axle and narrow the gap to change this though.


Dropped prices to reflect what I just listed them on eBay for. Save 10% by buying here.

Both SOLD.